
On 4/19/2007 4:48 PM, Mariusz Czulada wrote:
> Hello,
> I have yet another problem to solve. I didn't find similar case in 
> documentation.
> I have two separate systems in two locations (let's say "site1" and 
> "site2"). In "site1" I have local DDS5 drive and TS3310 library. In 
> "site2" server is only equiped with DDS5. Also, "Site1" is accesible 
> from "Site2" via WAN. So, "Site1" configuration looks like this:
> Site1:
> - StorageDaemon1:
>   * device: filesystem-1
>   * device: dds5-1
>   * autochanger: ts3310-1
> - Director1:
>   * storage: filesystem-1 (@StorageDaemon1)
>   * storage: dds5-1 (@StorageDaemon1)
>   * storage: ts3310-1 (@StorageDaemon1)
>   * pool: localfiles-1
>     +storage: filesystem-1
>   * pool: localtape-1
>     +storage: dds5-1
>   * pool: tapelibrary-1
>     +storage: ts3310-1
> I plan to backup backup hosts to pool "localfiles-1", then migrate it to 
> "tapelibrary-1". "localtape-1" will be used for backupserver itself. 
> Expect no problems with it. Then, "Site2" conf:
> Site2:
> - StorageDaemon2
>   * device: filesystem-2
>   * device: dds5-2
> - Director2:
>   * storage: filesystem-2 (@StorageDaemon2)
>   * storage: dds5-2 (@StorageDaemon2)
>   * pool: localfiles-2
>     +storage: filesystem-2
>   * pool: localtape-2
>     +storage: dds5-2
> Again, I plan to backup backup hosts from "Site2" to pool "localfiles-2" 
> and "localtape-2" will be used for backupserver itself. Expect no 
> problems with it, either.
> We could not buy a dedicated library for "Site2", OTOH TS3310 in "site1" 
> is big enough to hold backups from both sites. So, I thought about 
> migrating jobs stored in "localfiles-2" to a library via WAN connection. 
> IHMO I should add such items:
> Site2:
> - Director2:
>   * storage: ts3310-1 (@StorageDaemon1)
>   * pool: tapelibrary-2
>     +storage: ts3310-1
> So I could migrate locally stored jobs from "fileststem-2" to 
> "tapelibrary-2" which resides on remote ("Site1") library.
> !!!!!!
> My question is: are there any weak points in this idea?


> I.e. is it 
> possible to migrate between different storage daemons?

No, that's not possible. Perhaps it will be implemented some day - I 
talked with Kern about this - but I'm quite sure nobody started 
implementing this.

> Can [slow] WAN 
> connection (some 2 Mb/s I think) affect backup reliability?

Not reliablility itself, but the duration of the jobs alone makes them 
more easily affected by network problems.

> !!!!!!
> Any comments and suggestions are gratly appreciated.
> Regards,
> Mariusz Czulada


IT-Service Lehmann                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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