Just wanted to say that found the solution for my problem. The changer 
has also a generic scsi device associated - /dev/sg5, so no only 
configuration changes were needed. Hope it could be useful for someone.

This also means that (probably) TS3310 library is fully supported by 
bacula. Have to verify it yet, but will post later some notes about 
using it. Of course it you think it could be helpful...


Dnia 17-04-2007 o godz. 14:59 Mariusz Czulada napisał(a):
> Hello,
> I'm preparing the installation of bacula on a server which is connected
> to TS3310 library. At this moment I have some problems with autochanger.
> I can use an "IBMtapeutil" - IBM tool for library (tape/changer)
> management. Unfortunately it is not "compatible" with mtx.
> I'd like to ask if someone uses/used this library with bacula and can
> give me some hins or suggesions. For now I suppose I'll have to rewrite
> 'mtx-changer' as a wrapper around "IBMtapeutil", but perhaps there is a
> simpler solution for this?
> TIA,
> Mariusz
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