
Open Source is a fantastic success story, and shows every sign of becoming a 
gigantic snow ball over the next few years.  Usage of Bacula is increasing 
significantly, which is very pleasing.  However, the development side of 
Bacula, with one or two exceptions, I consider a total failure. 

Bacula has received quite a number of submissions other than my contributions 
over the years.  However, in general, these submissions have been made 
without documentation (leaving it to me to document) and the developer after 
a short time has for various reasons moved on to other things (change of job, 
change of life status, other interests, ...).  All this is normal, but what I 
find very disappointing is that with only a couple of exceptions that come to 
mind there are no permanent Bacula developers other than myself.  (Just so 
that there is no confusion or ill feelings, Scott, Dan, and Eric have been 
around for quite a while and have and are making significant contributions -- 
there are certainly others who don't come to mind immediately, so, please 
accept my appologies -- also, I think the users list is working quite well.  
What I am talking about is the lack of highly qualified, committed, 
and "permanent" Bacula developers).

My point here, is that today, I am essentially the only developer doing 
documentation, the only developer fixing bugs, the only developer doing 
testing on the different platforms.  After 7+ years of doing it 12-14 hours a 
day for 6 and sometimes 7 days a week, I am more than a bit disappointed that 
there isn't more help.  The fault may possibly be my own, but what ever the 
case may be that is where we are.

As an example of what I am lamenting here is that there is a Win 2003 bug open 
since 20 March where restore of encrypted (and compressed if I remember 
right) data fails.  Another example is that despite my repeated requests over 
something like a six month period, no one (at this moment) has "signed up" to 
do Win32, Solaris, or FreeBSD regression testing.

My solution to this problem is several fold: 

1. As of release 2.2.0, Win32, Solaris, and FreeBSD will no longer 
be "officially" supported platforms.  So that there is no misunderstanding, I 
definitely would like to see them supported, but I am no longer going to do 
it alone, which means that I will accept patches for them, I will not accept 
bug reports that are specific to those platforms, they will be documented 
as "use if it works for you but don't complain if it doesn't", and the 
project will no longer supply binaries for the Director and Storage daemon 
for Win32.  Users can build it themselves if they want to use it. 

2. I previously suggested creating a formal Bacula Open Source project or a 
foundation, but I have totally dropped that idea due to lack of community 

3. As of today, the gnome-console (renamed bgnome-console) and wx-console 
(renamed bwx-console) are deprecated and no longer supported by me.  If 
someone else wants to pick up support of them, I'll be very happy to accept 

4. I am no longer personally going to maintain the projects list (Feature 
Requests).  If someone wants to pick up maintaining it including the voting, 
I would be very happy.  Obviously I'll continue to work on projects that 
personally interest me.

5. I will be devoting more of my time to a project that I previously mentioned 
that will provide training and support for Bacula engineers and for 3rd party 
Bacula Service organizations. The support provided will not be direct 
customer support but certification and level 3 support for professional 
service companies with the goal of promoting Bacula usage and code 

The concept here is that I am convinced that commercial organizations want to 
use Bacula (many use Solaris, so it is critical for them) but are hindered by 
the lack of qualified professional service.   By insuring professional 
services for Bacula, I believe that we can compensate for the lack of 
commuity participation in the Bacula development process.  This is because 
commerical/governmental/educational organizations will make significant 
contributions to the project when they have professional support.

Best regards,


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