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Congratulations, and it's good to hear that you will not be restricted
from continued work.
Ottawa to Florida is quite a move, but I can only assume you know what
you're doing and that they've made it very worth your while. Consider,
also, if you currently own a dark colored car that you might want to own
one that is lighter -- the heat down there is such that this will make a
difference. I'm personally of the personality that would be interested
in moving farther north to actually get some snow again (I live in
Newark, NJ and the snows seem to have stopped in the last few years),
and to escape association with the US, which is kind of a disappointing
country as of late.
As far as what Kern said, though, I wouldn't consider Florida's summers
similar to Maryland. Of course I never lived in Maryland, but I believe
Florida's humidity changes things quite a bit. One nice thing about
Florida, though, is the changeable weather; if it is pouring rain at
10:00a, it likely will not be by 2:00p... seems a whole day is seldom
ruined by poor weather.
C M Reinehr wrote:
> Dan,
> Congratulations from me, as well. Get ready for a significant culture shock
> as
> well as a weather shock. You'll find south Florida to be a much more laid
> back, casual place to work. On a more negative note, be prepaired for higher
> property taxes & insurance and hurricanes. (I don't know anything about
> property taxes in Ottawa but property taxes in FL are high relative to most
> of the USA, and, of course you don't get many hurricanes in Ottawa :-)
> I second Kern's recommendation re airconditioning. Life couldn't exist, here
> in the southern US, without A/C.
> Feel free to make a stop in Montgomery AL on your drive down. My wife is from
> Miami so we can give you some insight into FL, the southern USA as well as
> provide you a free bed for a night!
> Cheers!
> cmr
> On Saturday 07 April 2007 02:20, Kern Sibbald wrote:
>> Hello Dan,
>> Congratulations on your new job. The only thing that they probably didn't
>> tell you is that depending on exactly where you will be, unless you learn
>> Spanish you might feel a bit disadvantaged :-) I don't consider that a
>> negative point, but rather a nice opportunity.
>> About the weather, I wouldn't worry too much. I lived 12 years in
>> Maryland, which has "similar" summer weather (with winter weather like the
>> northern US) and once you learn how to slow down your movement in the
>> summer, everything goes pretty well. If you have a car, I recommend
>> selling it and getting one with air conditioning -- that will make life a
>> lot nicer in the summer. The only unpleasant moments were when it was 90 F
>> degrees (32 C) outside, my car had been sitting in the sun (40-45 C
>> inside), and it would start raining around. Typically this is around 3pm.
>> It becomes somewhat of a catastrophy without A/C trying to deal with the
>> heat (windows rolled up to prevent inondation) and fogged windows. :-)
>> Car A/C solves the problem.
>> We wish you the best and look forward to hearing from you and hopefully
>> your continuing participation.
>> Best regards,
>> Kern
>> On Friday 06 April 2007 23:00, Dan Langille wrote:
>>> Folks:
>>> I've accepted a job offer from eSilo.com. This means I'm moving to
>>> Jupiter (north of Miami) Florida from Ottawa.
>>> eSilo does backups over the Internet. It's a turn-key solution. I'm
>>> not yet sure how much I can talk about what I'm going to be doing,
>>> but my primary roles do not intersect with the work I've done on
>>> Bacula. There will be an NDA for me to work on, but that won't
>>> prevent me from continuing to contribute to Bacula.
>>> Biggest tasks to hand: find a place to live, move my stuff down
>>> there. Biggest thing to move that I can't drive there: my HD TV....
- --
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