Hi Group,

some days ago we tested bacula 2.0.3 on debian etch (amd64) compiled from 
sources, with postgres 8.4 as DB. This is the first time we used Bacula.

Now we have some questions:

Question: Access to the Tapedrives directly from different 

- In our SAN Environment is every Server directly connected to the SAN-Switch, 
so every Server has access to the LTO Changer Device and the LTO-Drives. Is it 
possible to adress one Drive from multiple Servers? We need this option to 
decrease the traffic on our TCP Network at backups and restores.

Our first idea was to install a Storage Daemon on every Server. We didn't test 
it untill now.


Question: Howto Backup a cluster service?

- The next issue is how to backup a cluster? We have some services which are 
installed as a cluster service like Samba the physical servers are named 
"buran" and "energija" the Clustername is "samba". The Cluster Service Samba 
has also a virtuell IP address. How can we tell bacula to backup on the cluster 
service samba?


Question: How to backup and restore umlauts from systems with environemt set to 

- Every Server has set the environment to ISO8859-15. What happend to the 
umlauts when the DB is set to UTF-8 instead of the default setting ASCII which 
doesn't work with umlauts?

Or is there any other option to store umlauts?


If any further information is required please give me a feedback.


Thanks for your support

Best Regards

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