Thank you for answering.

I fear my apache is a bit specific : i think it doesn't use mime_magic.
Here are the lines in httpd.conf that contains "mime" or "magic" or


#LoadModule mime_magic_module  modules/
LoadModule mime_module        modules/

# TypesConfig describes where the mime.types file (or equivalent) is
# to be found.

TypesConfig /etc/mime.types

   php_flag  magic_quotes_gpc  off


The last line "php_flag  magic_quotes_gpc  off"  is in a Directory part
of httpd.conf that is not the Directory for bweb (it is the Directory of
I think the line "TypesConfig /etc/mime.types" means that I only have to
modify the file /etc/mime.types, which is already done. Maybe I should
uncomment the line about mime_magic ?

PS : The apache (and bacula) server is on a smeserver 7.0 distro
PPS : I somebody want to tell me when I'm not writing correct English,
it would help me improve myself (Is this sentence correct ?).


Jerome Massano

Le mardi 03 avril 2007 à 10:20 +0200, Arno Lehmann a écrit :
> Hi
> On 4/3/2007 9:24 AM, Jérôme Massano wrote:
> > Hello
> > 
> > Thank you for your answer.
> > Yes, I did read the installation documentation (INSTALL file). Actually,
> > nothing about apache is written in brestore documentation. There is
> > something about this in bweb documentation, but it is just to protect
> > bweb installation :
> ...
> > There is also something about mime types (text/brestore must be
> > associated with, but I think I did it well (modified
> > file /etc/mime.types - maybe in need to do something else for the mime
> > types to be really associated with brestore ?)
> I don't know much about bweb, but a little about apache :-)
> You probably have to modify apache's own magic file which is usually not 
> in /etc.
>  From the apache manual:
> MimeMagicFile Directive
> Description:  Enable MIME-type determination based on file contents using 
> the specified magic file
> Syntax:       MimeMagicFile file-path
> Context:      server config, virtual host
> Status:       Extension
> Module:       mod_mime_magic
> In other words, searcg for 'Magic' in your apache config and modify hat 
> file.
> Arno

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