I discover problem with RunScript directive in version 2.0.2 and now in
>> 2.0.3 too.
>> I have next directive in Job resource:
>> RunScript {
>>    RunsWhen = After
>>    RunsOnSuccess = yes
>>    Command = "/etc/bacula/scripts/disk_check.sh %j"
>> }
>> and the script disk_check.sh is following:
>> size=`/usr/bin/mysql -e "select JobBytes from Job where Job='$job'" -u
>> bacula -D bacula -pxxx | tail -n 1`
>> echo $size >>/etc/bacula/working/watchdog.log
>> After backup job, $size return "0".
>> In version: 1.38.11 this script return the right number, but after
>> upgrading to Bacula 2.0.2 or 2.0.3 I have this problem.
>> PLS, do you have some idea to improve it?
> If you want execute your script on director, you must
> specify RunsOnClient = no, it will be executed a the end of
> job, but before job cleanup and report.... It's not like in 1.38 and will be
> fix in the next release.
> You can use something like this for the moment
> #!/bin/sh
> (
> sleep 10               # or a "echo wait job=$job | bconsole"
> size=`/usr/bin/mysql -e "select JobBytes from Job where Job='$job'" -u
>                   bacula -D bacula -pxxx | tail -n 1`
> echo $size >>/etc/bacula/working/watchdog.log
> ) &
> you will be sure that your command will be executed after the end of job.
> Bye

Thanks a lot for tip, but when I use in my script sleep 10 or sleep 20, 
DB still don't have report from job (info about size of files).
Please, can you repair this mistake in next release???


>> Thanx
>> Ondra
>> Kern Sibbald napsal(a):
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm considering the following ideas for the next couple of Bacula
>>> releases, and would like your ideas.
>>> 1. Release version 2.0.4 in the next week or two with a couple more bug
>>> fixes.
>>> 2. Release either version 2.0.5 or more likely version 2.2.0 within 4-8
>>> weeks, targeting 6 weeks.
>>> Version 2.2.0, would be essentially the current Bacula trunk, which has
>>> the following major changes from the 2.0.x stream:
>>> 1. The new SQL attribute insertion code, which runs significantly faster
>>> on PostgreSQL, and for multiple simultaneous jobs runs with much less
>>> database locking.
>>> 2. The red/black in memory restore code, which in my tests on restoring
>>> 800K+ files, ran over 500 times as fast as the current code.
>>> 3. Some important new communications protocols that support bat.
>>> 4. A first cut of bat that "roughly" implements the same features as the
>>> gnome-console.  This is not much, but it does give a base for further
>>> incremental improvements, and will permit easier user participation in
>>> the development.
>>> 5. The additional features that Eric has already added (Scratch pool,
>>> ...).
>>> 6. Possibly a few additional features depending on what the developers
>>> respond to this email.
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