>> When a verify job is scheduled under 2.0.2 to perform a Volume to Catalog
>> verify it now selects the job to be verified (and the associated tape(s))
>> at the scheduled start time. It then waits until all jobs of lower priority
>> finish before performing the actual verify. This results in it verifying
>> the previous nights backup instead of the current nights one.
>> Under 1.38.5 the job wouldn't select the job to verify until it actually
>> ran (Actual start time instead of scheduled start time). In my case this is
>> after the job I actually want to verify has finished running for the
>> evening.
> OK, thanks. This time, the problem is crystal clear.  The above describes 
> what 
> I need to know/understand.
> I haven't looked at the code, but I suspect that some of the startup code was 
> moved earlier in the process.  In general this was done so that the catalog 
> entries are more complete if the job is subsequently cancelled before it is 
> actually started.  
> In this case, if this is what happened, I can see that this will create a 
> problem for you.  However, it does seem to make sense that the Verify job 
> would select the job to be verified when Verify is scheduled rather than at 
> some later time when additional jobs may have run.
> I'm not sure what the solution is. It seems there are two ways to resolve it:
> 1. Start the Verify immediately after the backup (probably with a RunScript.
> 2. Put the code back the way it was in 1.38.11 (assuming that is the problem).
> Do you or anyone else on this list have any comments on the above two 
> possible 
> solutions?

Well I've already updated my config to implement option 1 as a 'workaround', 
and am happy to trigger my verifies that way. I've scheduled a 'TriggerVerify' 
admin job that will run after the backup is complete and launch the verify. I 
used this as I believe using a RunScript within the backup job wouldn't work as 
the backup job will still be 'running' when the verify job is scheduled, so 
it'll  still automatically select the previous nights job.

Also, I personally feel the current implementation isn't as intuitive as how it 
worked in 1.38.11 - however this can probably be dealt with by appropriate 
documentation within the manual. It comes down to the difference in scheduled 
time and start time under Bacula. Especially when you throw priorities into the 
mix. You might schedule a job to start at 23:15, but you can stop it running 
until after the backup job finishes using priorities. Seems to me that if 
you've setup your job to me, you are most likely going to want to verify the 
job that just ran.

What I would *really* like to see is the ability to set which job gets verified 
by jobid - Currently I can say "Verify job 'BackupCatalog' but I cant say 
"Verify last nights/weeks/months/whatever 'BackupCatalog' job"

This would aid in resource scheduling IMO - in my case my full backups take up 
most of Saturday, and there is barely enough time to perform the verifies 
before Saturday nights incremental backups start - it would be nice to be able 
to schedule the verify jobs for Sunday when the tape drive is otherwise idle.

A nice side effect of the changed behaviour is that I can now achieve this.

This probably needs to be a feature request doesn't it - or is there one in 
already that covers it?

Just had another thought - is this change limited to VolumeToCatalog verifies, 
or was it applied across the board to all verify job types? Seems to me, that 
it would be a lot easier to overlook the fact that your verify job is actually 
verifying the previous nights backup if tapes aren't involved.

If I get time today I'll look into the documentation and see if I can come up 
with a suitable addition explaining this situation. I might even throw in a 
feature request if one doesn't already exist.



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