IEM - network operating center wrote:
> even though my questions have not much feedback, i'll post another round ;-)
> i have build debian-packages for bacula-2.0.2, by getting the
> source-code of bacula-2.0.2 from sourceforge and applying the
> bacula_2.0.0-1.diff that was used for building the 2.0.0-1 packages
> (found at sourceforge)
Indeed. I forgot to upload the 2.0.2-1 diff to sourceforge, even though
it is available online.
> i have put them online, in case anybody is interested in them (well, i
> have put them online to ease my installation on various machines; but
> the server is visible to everybody).
> i have build packages on both etch (updated today) and sarge machines.
> the relevant apt-lines are
> deb sarge/bacula/
> deb etch/bacula/
> (choose your flavour)
Mine are compiled against etch/sid. Thank you for providing the backport.
> due to the amount of responses to my question regarding statically
> linked bacula-fd, i have NOT build such an additional package.
It is actually almost impossible to get bacula to successfuly link
statically (at least, it has been for 1.38) due to how its dependencies
are linked.

However, bacula-fd should have a relatively small set of dinamic
dependencies, and so the need for an statically-linked version is
actually very small.

Thanks again.


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