Hello Magnus,

I just installed  a Dell 124T with autochanger for 16 tapes.  However,
when I use bconsole to do the "update" command, it only sees 8 tapes,
in fact it only thinks it is an 8 tape changer.
What do I have to do to make it see all 16 tapes?

thanks in advance.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007, 5:09:35 AM, you wrote:

>> Hi,
>> I have an Dell 124T with Autochanger for 8 tapes. My 
>> configuration is as follows. So, a few questions:
>> . Is the archive device incremental (/dev/nst0, /dev/nst1, ..) ?

> We use the exact same hardware, but with 16 tapes. /dev/nst0 works like a
> charm.

> Just to be sure: you have detected the SCSI device in the OS? Initialy the
> DELL PV 124T has a high enough SCSI id not to be detected automaticly at
> startup by a few OS:es. We've manualy had to add to /etc/rc.d/rc.local:

>         echo "scsi-add-single-device 0 0 6 1" > /proc/scsi/scsi

> on our CentOS 3.8 server. YMMMV, of course.

>> . When using this configuration, I have in bconsole a message 
>> to label the tape but the tape is already labelled (by btape) 
>> and I cannot force a new label. So, how to label my eight tapes ?

> Our server came with blank tapes so there were no problem with labeling. How
> about unmounting them from bacula, feed them to the drive manualy using mtx
> and erasing them with "/bin/mt -f /dev/nst0 erase"?

> regards,

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