
On 2/14/2007 12:07 AM, Devin Reade wrote:
> I'm just in the process of setting up bacula and debating postgres
> vs mysql (I've used both, but have more experience with the latter).

That's a topic well suited for flame wars... but not here :-)

> I see that the current online users' manual mentions that one advantage
> of using Postgres is support for transactions and stored procedures.
> MySQL also has support for these, albiet only in more recent versions
> with the appropriate table types (innodb).
> If a recent mysql that supports transactions is used, does bacula take
> advantage of it?

No, as far as I know Bacula does not use stored procedures, nor does it 
use (explicit) transactions.

I think it's safe to say that the general impression is that MySQL is a 
bit faster with Bacula.

The limiting factor in database throughput, though, seems to be on 
Baculas end, not the catalog database. That is worked on and I think 
we'll have a version where catalog despooling is much faster quite soon.

Which database then works faster for Bacula is unknown to me.

>  If not, then what are the potential side effects?
> Does using mysql make it more probable that the DB can get into an
> inconsistent state, or is the lack of db transaction support mitigated
> by other factors?

Well, I suppose lack of transactions can make MySQL sound less reliable, 
but unless your catalog server tends to crash or damage its filesystem I 
don't think this is the most important issue...

Also, the Bacula catalog is rather straightforward; most inconsistencies 
can be easily and automatically fixed.

My bottom line: You should use the catalog database that is more easily 
to set up for you, be it that you've already got a database server 
running you could use, or that you're more familiar with PostgreSQL or 

> Also, has anyone obtained empirical data on how changing the mysql
> table types to innodb affects bacula performance?

Hmmm... IIRC, there was an attempt at this. I'm not sure though... you 
might try to look through the list archives - also of the -devel list - 
and see if you find something in a thread where Rudolf Cejka was 
discussing some database related stuff. I might be completely wrong, so 
don't expect too much.

> Devin


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