On Feb 11, 2007, at 1:03 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Not sure who out there uses Bacula on FreeBSD or bacula-web on  
> freebsd but
> I'm having the hardest time getting the bacula-web to work. I have  
> tested
> it and my php is working fine through apache. When I browse to the
> test.php file in bacula-web I get all green on all three requirements.
> When I click the "test" link on that page I'm redirected to another  
> page
> with a bunch of graphs. Everything looks to be OK. When I browse to  
> the
> index.php page however I get a bunch of text that looks like the  
> code. But
> again the test.php page works fine so the php is setup correctly for
> apache.
> I noticed that the index.php page does not have the <?php at the  
> start of
> the code...but just <?. I added the php after the questionmark and the
> page comes up differently now...but still just a bunch of  
> characters and
> merged mess. I'm  thinking that my configuration is correct but the  
> php
> files are wrong but I have no idea how to go about fixing it...if  
> anyone
> else has had this problem I'd appreciate any feedback.
I know for a fact that bacula-web does work on freebsd, I've got it  
working here.  I checked my php.ini file (which I think is still  
pretty stock) and I happen to have short_open_tag = On in there  
(which allows the <? to start a php block)  You might want to look  
for that.


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