Hi all

I have a situation where we have a single tape library, (IBM 3581 
Ultrium Tape Loader), which is connected via a fibre SAN to a mix of 
Intel Blade's, (running RH Linux or Win 2K), and a couple of P570 
servers running AIX.  I am trying to put together a multi-platform 
backup strategy and am investigating Bacula as an option.

My question is:

I would like to set it up to do the backups to the drive directly on 
each of the platforms that can see the tape drive, only doing
network backups where necessary to cut network load.  We would be using 
only one tape per night, (LTO-3, lot's of space), but would need to 
co-ordinate the jobs so that the hosts pass the drive around seamlessly 
without fighting over it.

Is this feasible with Bacula ?

If so, how would you do it ?
If not, any alternate suggestions ?

Thanks in Advance


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