I use Bacula 2.0.2, my backup plan is ok, pool & volume well configured 
(Turn Monday -> Friday).
But  i can't  resolv one problem :
If one day , the job can't start because  we 've  forgotten to put the 
DAT, the job wait and wait until we put the DAT.
I would to have an automatically cancel job after 1 or 2 hours .
If you have an answser ... (thank you for advance)

a part of my bacula-dir.conf :

  Name = "MyBackup"
  Type = Backup
  Client = messagerie-fd
  FileSet = "Full Set"
  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
  Storage = DAT72-052
  Messages = Standard
  Pool = Default
  RunBeforeJob = "/opt/lampp/libexec/bacula/bin/mount.sh"
  Write Bootstrap = "/opt/lampp/libexec/bacula/bin/working/MyBackup.bsr"
  Max Start Delay = 2h
  #Max Run Time = 1h
  Max Wait Time = 1h

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