On Friday 02 February 2007 10:32, Robert Wirth wrote:
> Hi,
> using Bacula Version: 1.38.11 (28 June 2006) this happens:
> A.. While a backup job is running, the FD terminates accidentially
>     (process kill, power off machine etc.)
>     The backup job is canceled by bacula (error mail is sent etc.)
>   ! The volume file count is wrong after that --with a difference of 1.
>     The next job, waiting for a writable volume in the same pool,
>     is scheduled and marks the volume (tape) with Error.
> B.. A backup job reaches MaxRunTime.  Bacula decides to cancel the job,
>     that's ok.  Again, the file count isn't updated right.  That's not ok.
>     The result is the same as in A..: file count mismatch, Error state,
>     when the next job tries to write on the volume.
> My question:  Why is there a file count mismatch?  Consider case B.., which
> I think is a heavy thing: The complete Cancel operation is under the
> control of Bacula, it's a Cancel from within the system!  It should be easy
> for Bacula to enter the correct file count in the database...?!
> Although in case A.., where the interrupt comes from outside. The SD, after
> losing the connection to FD, should be able to tell the DIR the correct
> file count it has written to storage, and the DIR should be able to update
> the count in the database.
> So, it's a bug, isn't it?  Any help with that?
> Actually, I use to correct file counts manually using bconsole.  That's
> a boring thing, because the volumes with wrong file counts are still
> in status "Append", as long as no further job fails on them.  Thus, I've
> to check all "Cancel"-mails every morning for the exact reason.

It is a bug, and it is fixed in version 2.0 or later.

> Gruezi and thanks,
>       Robert
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ++    German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence    ++
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Dipl.Inf. Robert Wirth,Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3,66123 Saarbruecken
> @office: +49-681-302-5078, or -5572 +++ @fax: +49-681-302-5020
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ++++++++ http://www.dfki.de/~wirth
> --------------------------------------------------------------
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