On Thu, Feb 01, 2007 at 09:15:39AM -0500, John Drescher wrote:
> On 2/1/07, Joseph S. Rizzari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have been doing some testing with Bacula 2.0.1 and my storage
> > daemon has is stuck on a job.
> >
> > My test was to back up a laptop and then during the backup unplug
> > the network cable to see how Bacula responds.
> > 
> > Is there a setting that gives the storage daemon a timeout so it
> > can move to another job?
> I believe this is done automatically if you allow some concurrency
> at all levels, (SD, director, storage, and pool). We have moved our
> department and changed a lot of ip address. Each night I have about
> 30 incremental client jobs with more than 1/2 of them to ip
> addresses that are not connected to the network and with my setup
> bacula eventually times out and skips over all file daemons it can
> not connect to as each morning it did finish the jobs that could be
> finished.

These are two different cases though.  Bacula handles the case of an
unreachable or unresponsive client much more gracefully than the case
of a client that crashes or otherwise stops responding after a job has
begun.  I've also seen jobs hang for hours at a time when a file
daemon crashes.

Another interesting thing that I've noticed is that there seem to be
two different file daemon timeouts at work.  I'll generally see:

    Warning: bnet.c:864 Could not connect to File daemon on
    example.org:9102. ERR=No route to host

These time out in about 90 seconds, which is close to the "fd connect
timeout = 60 sec" value that I've set in the director resource.  The
other type of timeout reports:

    Warning: bnet.c:864 Could not connect to File daemon on
    example.org:9102. ERR=Connection timed out

These result in a job that times out within a few seconds of 20
minutes, and I haven't found a parameter that allows this timeout to
be shortened.

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