In response to Dominik Jonas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> our HDD has 8,4 GB and now it is full because the database file is at 
> the moment 7,8 GB
> -rw-rw----    1 mysql    mysql        7.8G Feb  1 10:14 ibdata1
> on the device is the sql dum with 577 MB, too.
> My question is now how to make the  file ibdata1 smaller, delete old 
> entries in the db  or  i dont know.
> How can I do this?

Research the purge command available through bconsole.

You can also set up automatic purging to occur when data reaches a certain
age.  Now that you know how much data you can store before your drive
fills up, you should be able to estimate a reasonable length of time to
save it for.

Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.

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