On Tuesday 16 January 2007 18:23, Ferdinando Pasqualetti wrote:
> Why not bacon? It would contain both 3 letters of bacula and 3 of console 
and it would also have a philosofic meaning. 

Hmm. Yes, bacon is not bad, and probably better than badmin.  The only 
downside is that I am vegetarian :-)  after second though, being vegetarian 
wouldn't stop me from using a nice name like that.  The only advantage of 
b-admin is that it is a bit more descriptive of its function.

> Anyway wichever name you will choose I am sure the package will be great. 

Thanks.  For the moment, it is still vaporware.

> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Ferdinando Pasqualetti
>  G.T.Dati srl
>  Tel. 0557310862 - 3356172731 - Fax 055720143
> Kern Sibbald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> Inviato da: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> 16/01/2007 17.10 
>   Per
>   CC
>   bacula-users <bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net> 
>   Oggetto
>   [Bacula-users] GUI interface
> Hello,
>  Quite awhile ago, I wrote the email that is copied at the end of this 
>  Since then, my plans have not changed a lot, but have evolved a bit.
>  I am now ready to begin the GUI project.  
>  One of the first and most difficult problems is what should it be called?
>  bconsole is already used,  some of the ideas I have come up with are:
>  bcon
>  beacon
>  badmin
>  ...
>  If anyone has a good idea for a name, please let me know.  My current 
>  preference is badmin, pronounced either bad-min or be-admin.
>  One change from my ideas below is that I am now implementing the GUI in C++ 
>  and Qt4, all the other points indicated below remain valid.
>  In addition to what is mentioned there, I believe that badmin, or whatever 
>  name is, should have at least the following features:
>  badmin is a GUI project to create a Bacula Administrative Console.
>  This console should be capable of the following things:
>  - be a Graphical interface
>  - Include all the features of:
>    - bconsole
>    - gnome-console
>    - wx-console
>    - bacula-web
>    - bweb
>    - brestore
>    - jbacula
>    - tray-monitor
>  - tree selection of files for restore (like wx-console)
>  - tree selection of files for backup
>  - graphical creation of FileSets
>  - resource display/modification
>  - catalog display/modification
>  - graphical report generation (like bacula-web, bweb)
>  - programmable graphical report generation
>  - scriptable
>  - create/modify configuration files
>  - remote client upgrade
>  - software update/problem/patch notification
>  - software patch installation
>  - monitor daemons
>  My current thinking is that it will be laid out a bit like gnome-console 
>  It will be a main window with a set of menus and an icon bar. Below that 
>  be the main console window, and blow that will be a status line and a 
>  input line.
>  However, to the left will be a "tree" view window consisting of a tree of 
>  small icons representing all the daemons that the program can access (e.g. 
>  the directors, SDs, and FDs). As you click on these items, the right 
>  pane will be replaced by the window that corresponds to what item you 
>  on. That is the right window will be a widget stack that can change. 
>  Depending on what you choose, the right menu may be a dialog, tabbed 
>  or any other appropriate window.  It will probably even be dockable or have 
>  the ability to open in a separate window.  
>  Among the items in the left window will be things such as:
>  - Console
>  - Run Jobs
>   - Backup
>   - Restore
>   - Migrate
>     ...
>  - Reports
>   - bweb like
>  - Catalog
>  - Configure
>  - Monitor
>  ...
>  This kind of layout was previously suggested by someone, and to a certain 
>  extent, it is implemented in the pygtk-console. The difference is that in 
>  that console, clicking on the items in the left pane brought up new tabs in 
>  the right window, and my concept is that it will bring up a whole new view 
>  the right window (StackedWidgets), and that in some, possibly all, the 
>  window could be made into a window that remains open on the screen (i.e. 
>  may want to monitor at the same time you are starting jobs).
>  Any help with this project would be appreciated, because once we have the 
>  basic window layout, adding new items and new views into Bacula will be 
>  sub-projects that are essentially independent of each other.
>  As I am essentially still zero in using designer, if there is anyone out 
>  that can do a quick programming task, please let me (and the list know).  
>  What I need to help speed up this project is a Qt4 project file using qmake 
>  and designer that has the main window defined via designer in the way I 
>  mentioned.  Once the basic skeleton (badmin.ui + badmin.pro + a couple of 
>  skeleton c++ files) is implemented, I think it will be relatively fast to 
>  connect it to Bacula and begin the real work.  This is something I can do, 
>  but getting there is a rather steep learning curve (designer, forms, slots, 
>  Qt4 classes/API, subclassing, ...).
>  Best regards,
>  Kern
>  On Saturday 30 September 2006 16:47, Kern Sibbald wrote:
>  > Hello,
>  > 
>  > As I previously wrote, working on a GUI solution is now one of my top 
>  > priorities.  We have discussed the problems and possible solutions for 
>  > getting a good GUI interface for Bacula a number of times. I've thought 
>  about 
>  > all the possibilities, and there are a lot of them.  Previously, I had 
>  > leaning more towards a Python Qt interface, because Python is a nice 
>  language 
>  > and easy to program.  Unfortunately, I haven't found any really good IDE 
>  > (integrated development environment) for it, nor have I found any good 
>  > documentation on the Python Qt interface.  So I have abandoned this idea.
>  > 
>  > Another idea that I have abandoned is developing a web application. There 
>  are 
>  > two reasons: 1. I find no user interface design tools for web based 
>  > applications.  2. web applications are very problematic for security 
>  > people such as myself.  I run a web server, but there is no way in the 
>  > that I would run a Bacula web application on my web server.  In the past, 
>  > have gotten around this by having a second LAN only server, but I don't 
>  > really like this.  In addition with technology such as FreeNX, I believe 
>  that 
>  > there is no disadvantage to writing desktop GUI applications -- they can 
>  > be executed from anywhere much like a web application can.
>  > 
>  > One can certainly argue with the above points, but that is pretty much 
>  useless 
>  > because what I am writing is not to convince you about my views but to 
>  > you a little bit of the reasoning behind the direction I am taking.
>  > 
>  > So that is the brief background.  There is obviously much more to it all, 
>  but 
>  > I'd like to get to the point, which is that I am now starting a new core 
>  code 
>  > project for Bacula to initially create a console GUI (combination of 
>  > bconsole, gconsole, wx-console, and all the others).  As a second step, 
>  > will evolve (or start a separate program) to including manangement job 
>  > summary information such as bacula-web and similar programs.
>  > 
>  > To do the project, I intend to use Kdevelop as the IDE, designer as the 
>  > design tool (integrated into Kdevelop), C++, and Qt3 (later Qt4).  I 
>  > also like it to use cmake, but expect that in the beginning it will use 
>  > qmake.
>  > 
>  > All this is a bit too much for me at one time, because all the pieces 
>  > (Kdevelop, designer, Qt3, qmake or cmake) are all new to me, so I really 
>  > would like to get some help from any of you who are experienced in these 
>  > tools or who just want to help.
>  > 
>  > A few notes about the project:
>  > - as mentioned above, it will be based on C++ and Qt
>  > - it will use Kdevelop, designer and qmake or cmake
>  > - it will be part of the base Bacula code, and hence in the bacula source
>  >   tree.
>  > - it will replace, gconsole and wx-console (i.e. they are depreciated)
>  > - it will be copyrighted by the Bacula project (for the moment me -- more 
>  >   that in my status #2 concerning the future of the Bacula project).
>  > - it will serve as a test bed for defining a Bacula GUI API
>  > - it will be highly integrated with the Director, but nevertheless a 
>  separate
>  >   program.
>  > - if I can get some help starting the project, I can imagine that we 
>  get
>  >   something quite functional with at least the capabilities of gconsole 
>  >   maybe wx-console) by the end of the year.  If I have to do it alone, it 
>  will 
>  >   probably be mid-2007 before it becomes functional.
>  > 
>  > Best regards,
>  > 
>  > Kern
>  > 
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