
Quite awhile ago, I wrote the email that is copied at the end of this email. 
Since then, my plans have not changed a lot, but have evolved a bit.
I am now ready to begin the GUI project.  

One of the first and most difficult problems is what should it be called?
bconsole is already used,  some of the ideas I have come up with are:


If anyone has a good idea for a name, please let me know.  My current 
preference is badmin, pronounced either bad-min or be-admin.

One change from my ideas below is that I am now implementing the GUI in C++ 
and Qt4, all the other points indicated below remain valid.

In addition to what is mentioned there, I believe that badmin, or whatever its 
name is, should have at least the following features:

badmin is a GUI project to create a Bacula Administrative Console.

This console should be capable of the following things:

- be a Graphical interface
- Include all the features of:
   - bconsole
   - gnome-console
   - wx-console
   - bacula-web
   - bweb
   - brestore
   - jbacula
   - tray-monitor
- tree selection of files for restore (like wx-console)
- tree selection of files for backup
- graphical creation of FileSets
- resource display/modification
- catalog display/modification
- graphical report generation (like bacula-web, bweb)
- programmable graphical report generation
- scriptable
- create/modify configuration files
- remote client upgrade
- software update/problem/patch notification
- software patch installation
- monitor daemons

My current thinking is that it will be laid out a bit like gnome-console is. 
It will be a main window with a set of menus and an icon bar. Below that will 
be the main console window, and blow that will be a status line and a command 
input line.

However, to the left will be a "tree" view window consisting of a tree of 
small icons representing all the daemons that the program can access (e.g. 
the directors, SDs, and FDs). As you click on these items, the right console 
pane will be replaced by the window that corresponds to what item you clicked 
on. That is the right window will be a widget stack that can change. 
Depending on what you choose, the right menu may be a dialog, tabbed widgets, 
or any other appropriate window.  It will probably even be dockable or have 
the ability to open in a separate window.  

Among the items in the left window will be things such as:
- Console
- Run Jobs
  - Backup
  - Restore
  - Migrate
- Reports
  - bweb like
- Catalog
- Configure
- Monitor

This kind of layout was previously suggested by someone, and to a certain 
extent, it is implemented in the pygtk-console. The difference is that in 
that console, clicking on the items in the left pane brought up new tabs in 
the right window, and my concept is that it will bring up a whole new view in 
the right window (StackedWidgets), and that in some, possibly all, the right 
window could be made into a window that remains open on the screen (i.e. you 
may want to monitor at the same time you are starting jobs).

Any help with this project would be appreciated, because once we have the 
basic window layout, adding new items and new views into Bacula will be 
sub-projects that are essentially independent of each other.

As I am essentially still zero in using designer, if there is anyone out there 
that can do a quick programming task, please let me (and the list know).  
What I need to help speed up this project is a Qt4 project file using qmake 
and designer that has the main window defined via designer in the way I 
mentioned.  Once the basic skeleton (badmin.ui + badmin.pro + a couple of 
skeleton c++ files) is implemented, I think it will be relatively fast to 
connect it to Bacula and begin the real work.  This is something I can do, 
but getting there is a rather steep learning curve (designer, forms, slots, 
Qt4 classes/API, subclassing, ...).

Best regards,


On Saturday 30 September 2006 16:47, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> Hello,
> As I previously wrote, working on a GUI solution is now one of my top 
> priorities.  We have discussed the problems and possible solutions for 
> getting a good GUI interface for Bacula a number of times. I've thought 
> all the possibilities, and there are a lot of them.  Previously, I had been 
> leaning more towards a Python Qt interface, because Python is a nice 
> and easy to program.  Unfortunately, I haven't found any really good IDE 
> (integrated development environment) for it, nor have I found any good 
> documentation on the Python Qt interface.  So I have abandoned this idea.
> Another idea that I have abandoned is developing a web application. There 
> two reasons: 1. I find no user interface design tools for web based 
> applications.  2. web applications are very problematic for security minded 
> people such as myself.  I run a web server, but there is no way in the world 
> that I would run a Bacula web application on my web server.  In the past, I 
> have gotten around this by having a second LAN only server, but I don't 
> really like this.  In addition with technology such as FreeNX, I believe 
> there is no disadvantage to writing desktop GUI applications -- they can now 
> be executed from anywhere much like a web application can.
> One can certainly argue with the above points, but that is pretty much 
> because what I am writing is not to convince you about my views but to give 
> you a little bit of the reasoning behind the direction I am taking.
> So that is the brief background.  There is obviously much more to it all, 
> I'd like to get to the point, which is that I am now starting a new core 
> project for Bacula to initially create a console GUI (combination of 
> bconsole, gconsole, wx-console, and all the others).  As a second step, it 
> will evolve (or start a separate program) to including manangement job 
> summary information such as bacula-web and similar programs.
> To do the project, I intend to use Kdevelop as the IDE, designer as the GUI 
> design tool (integrated into Kdevelop), C++, and Qt3 (later Qt4).  I would 
> also like it to use cmake, but expect that in the beginning it will use 
> qmake.
> All this is a bit too much for me at one time, because all the pieces 
> (Kdevelop, designer, Qt3, qmake or cmake) are all new to me, so I really 
> would like to get some help from any of you who are experienced in these 
> tools or who just want to help.
> A few notes about the project:
> - as mentioned above, it will be based on C++ and Qt
> - it will use Kdevelop, designer and qmake or cmake
> - it will be part of the base Bacula code, and hence in the bacula source
>   tree.
> - it will replace, gconsole and wx-console (i.e. they are depreciated)
> - it will be copyrighted by the Bacula project (for the moment me -- more on
>   that in my status #2 concerning the future of the Bacula project).
> - it will serve as a test bed for defining a Bacula GUI API
> - it will be highly integrated with the Director, but nevertheless a 
>   program.
> - if I can get some help starting the project, I can imagine that we could 
>   something quite functional with at least the capabilities of gconsole (and 
>   maybe wx-console) by the end of the year.  If I have to do it alone, it 
>   probably be mid-2007 before it becomes functional.
> Best regards,
> Kern
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