Jonathan Horne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Saturday 06 January 2007 14:14, Jonathan Horne wrote:
> > ok, im backing up, and starting over.  looks like 2.0 was just committed to
> > freebsd ports.
> >
> > question: is it best to use those random generated passwords, or to put in
> > my own?
> >
> > cheers,
> > jonathan
> well, ive made some pretty fair progress.  ive got to where i can get the job 
> to start... but it wont move.  for my first test example, im trying to get my 
> dev server to back itself up.
> this is the message im getting:
> *messages
> 06-Jan 15:38 fbsd62-1-dir: Start Backup JobId 2, 
> Job=Client1.2007-01-06_15.38.53
> 06-Jan 15:38 fbsd62-1-sd: Job Client1.2007-01-06_15.38.53 waiting. Cannot 
> find 
> any appendable volumes.
> Please use the "label"  command to create a new Volume for:
>     Storage:      "FileStorage" (/usr/backups)
>     Media type:   File
>     Pool:         Default
> in the file definition, ive specified the /, and added /usr/backups to the 
> omitted files.  as ive mentioned before, im trying to set up bacula to only 
> backup to files.  my current backup server has:

You may want to provide your pool defintions, as it looks like the
problem lies therein.

Based on the error you're getting, you don't have any volumes in
existence to back up to.  You either need to manually create volumes
in bconsole with the label command, or enable automatic volume
creation in the pools.


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