Dear all, I have bacula (bacula-mysql-1.38.2-1.rpm) installed on a Redhat FC4 system (Linux lilac.home 2.6.17-1.2142_FC4 #1 Tue Jul 11 22:41:14 EDT 2006 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux).
Bacula is set to back up various systems, including another PC on my home network. Backups are saved to hard disk storage in /var/spool/bacula and /var/spool/bacula2 (a second HDD). When the other PC on the network is powered down, bacula cannot run its bacups (obviously). Unfortunately, it then fails to back up the catalog and jams. The bacula console displays a message such as: "27-Dec 21:05 lilac-sd: Job BackupCatalog.2006-12-27_21.05.00 waiting to reserve a device." How can I fix this problem? Everything works quite happily when the other PC is powered on. I have provided a copy of all my configuration files (with passwords removed) at in case they're useful. Here is some output on the bacula console from a backup session where the other PC (ngorongoro) was powered down. 1) The main jobs have now run. Here is some output from "status dir": *status dir lilac-dir Version: 1.38.2 (20 November 2005) i686-redhat-linux-gnu redhat (Stentz) Daemon started 28-Dec-06 20:59, 6 Jobs run since started. Scheduled Jobs: Level Type Pri Scheduled Name Volume =================================================================================== Full Backup 12 28-Dec-06 21:05 BackupCatalog Full-0069 Incremental Backup 9 29-Dec-06 21:00 Ngorongoro-SystemState Full-0069 Incremental Backup 10 29-Dec-06 21:00 Lilac Full-0069 Incremental Backup 10 29-Dec-06 21:00 Ngorongoro Full-0069 Incremental Backup 11 29-Dec-06 21:00 PlusNetWebspace *unknown* Incremental Backup 11 29-Dec-06 21:00 PlusNetEmail *unknown* Incremental Backup 11 29-Dec-06 21:00 RodgersOrgUkWebspace *unknown* ==== Running Jobs: No Jobs running. ==== Terminated Jobs: JobId Level Files Bytes Status Finished Name ======================================================================== 559 Incr 0 0 Error 27-Dec-06 21:01 Ngorongoro 560 Incr 0 0 Error 27-Dec-06 21:01 PlusNetWebspace 561 Incr 0 0 Error 27-Dec-06 21:01 PlusNetEmail 562 Incr 0 0 OK 27-Dec-06 21:01 RodgersOrgUkWebspace 564 Incr 0 0 Error 28-Dec-06 21:00 Ngorongoro-SystemState 565 Incr 108 52,577,981 OK 28-Dec-06 21:00 Lilac 566 Incr 0 0 Error 28-Dec-06 21:01 Ngorongoro 567 Incr 25 17,931 OK 28-Dec-06 21:01 PlusNetWebspace 568 Incr 10 11,486,488 OK 28-Dec-06 21:01 PlusNetEmail 569 Incr 0 0 OK 28-Dec-06 21:01 RodgersOrgUkWebspace ==== And "status sto" *status sto The defined Storage resources are: 1: FileDiskA 2: FileDiskB Select Storage resource (1-2): 1 Connecting to Storage daemon FileDiskA at lilac:9103 lilac-sd Version: 1.38.2 (20 November 2005) i686-redhat-linux-gnu redhat (Stentz) Daemon started 28-Dec-06 20:59, 4 Jobs run since started. Running Jobs: Backup Job Ngorongoro-SystemState.2006-12-28_21.00.00 waiting for Client connection. Incremental Backup job Ngorongoro-SystemState JobId=564 Volume="" pool="PoolIncDiskB" device=""FileStorageDiskB" (/var/spool/bacula2)" Files=0 Bytes=0 Bytes/sec=0 FDSocket closed Backup Job Ngorongoro.2006-12-28_21.00.02 waiting for Client connection. Incremental Backup job Ngorongoro JobId=566 Volume="" pool="PoolIncDiskB" device=""FileStorageDiskB" (/var/spool/bacula2)" Files=0 Bytes=0 Bytes/sec=0 FDSocket closed ==== Terminated Jobs: JobId Level Files Bytes Status Finished Name ====================================================================== 558 Incr 45 22,287,855 OK 27-Dec-06 21:00 Lilac 560 Incr 0 0 OK 27-Dec-06 21:01 PlusNetWebspace 561 Incr 0 0 OK 27-Dec-06 21:01 PlusNetEmail 562 Incr 0 0 OK 27-Dec-06 21:01 RodgersOrgUkWebspace 557 Incr 0 0 Other 27-Dec-06 21:30 Ngorongoro-SystemState 559 Incr 0 0 Other 27-Dec-06 21:30 Ngorongoro 565 Incr 108 52,589,545 OK 28-Dec-06 21:00 Lilac 567 Incr 25 21,345 OK 28-Dec-06 21:01 PlusNetWebspace 568 Incr 10 11,487,596 OK 28-Dec-06 21:01 PlusNetEmail 569 Incr 0 0 OK 28-Dec-06 21:01 RodgersOrgUkWebspace ==== Device status: Device "FileStorageDiskA" (/var/spool/bacula) is not open or does not exist. Device "FileStorageDiskB" (/var/spool/bacula2) is not open or does not exist. ==== In Use Volume status: ==== *status sto The defined Storage resour *status sto The defined Storage resources are: 1: FileDiskA 2: FileDiskB Select Storage resource (1-2): 2 Connecting to Storage daemon FileDiskB at lilac:9103 lilac-sd Version: 1.38.2 (20 November 2005) i686-redhat-linux-gnu redhat (Stentz) Daemon started 28-Dec-06 20:59, 4 Jobs run since started. Running Jobs: Backup Job Ngorongoro-SystemState.2006-12-28_21.00.00 waiting for Client connection. Incremental Backup job Ngorongoro-SystemState JobId=564 Volume="" pool="PoolIncDiskB" device=""FileStorageDiskB" (/var/spool/bacula2)" Files=0 Bytes=0 Bytes/sec=0 FDSocket closed Backup Job Ngorongoro.2006-12-28_21.00.02 waiting for Client connection. Incremental Backup job Ngorongoro JobId=566 Volume="" pool="PoolIncDiskB" device=""FileStorageDiskB" (/var/spool/bacula2)" Files=0 Bytes=0 Bytes/sec=0 FDSocket closed ==== Terminated Jobs: JobId Level Files Bytes Status Finished Name ====================================================================== 558 Incr 45 22,287,855 OK 27-Dec-06 21:00 Lilac 560 Incr 0 0 OK 27-Dec-06 21:01 PlusNetWebspace 561 Incr 0 0 OK 27-Dec-06 21:01 PlusNetEmail 562 Incr 0 0 OK 27-Dec-06 21:01 RodgersOrgUkWebspace 557 Incr 0 0 Other 27-Dec-06 21:30 Ngorongoro-SystemState 559 Incr 0 0 Other 27-Dec-06 21:30 Ngorongoro 565 Incr 108 52,589,545 OK 28-Dec-06 21:00 Lilac 567 Incr 25 21,345 OK 28-Dec-06 21:01 PlusNetWebspace 568 Incr 10 11,487,596 OK 28-Dec-06 21:01 PlusNetEmail 569 Incr 0 0 OK 28-Dec-06 21:01 RodgersOrgUkWebspace ==== Device status: Device "FileStorageDiskA" (/var/spool/bacula) is not open or does not exist. Device "FileStorageDiskB" (/var/spool/bacula2) is not open or does not exist. ==== In Use Volume status: ==== 2) Once the catalog backup starts, the middle of "status dir" now shows this text: Running Jobs: JobId Level Name Status ====================================================================== 570 Full BackupCatalog.2006-12-28_21.05.00 is waiting on Storage FileDiskB ==== 3) "status storage" shows this for the jammed up catalog backup: *status storage The defined Storage resources are: 1: FileDiskA 2: FileDiskB Select Storage resource (1-2): 2 Connecting to Storage daemon FileDiskB at lilac:9103 lilac-sd Version: 1.38.2 (20 November 2005) i686-redhat-linux-gnu redhat (Stentz) Daemon started 28-Dec-06 20:59, 4 Jobs run since started. Running Jobs: Backup Job Ngorongoro-SystemState.2006-12-28_21.00.00 waiting for Client connection. Incremental Backup job Ngorongoro-SystemState JobId=564 Volume="" pool="PoolIncDiskB" device=""FileStorageDiskB" (/var/spool/bacula2)" Files=0 Bytes=0 Bytes/sec=0 FDSocket closed Backup Job Ngorongoro.2006-12-28_21.00.02 waiting for Client connection. Incremental Backup job Ngorongoro JobId=566 Volume="" pool="PoolIncDiskB" device=""FileStorageDiskB" (/var/spool/bacula2)" Files=0 Bytes=0 Bytes/sec=0 FDSocket closed ==== Terminated Jobs: JobId Level Files Bytes Status Finished Name ====================================================================== 558 Incr 45 22,287,855 OK 27-Dec-06 21:00 Lilac 560 Incr 0 0 OK 27-Dec-06 21:01 PlusNetWebspace 561 Incr 0 0 OK 27-Dec-06 21:01 PlusNetEmail 562 Incr 0 0 OK 27-Dec-06 21:01 RodgersOrgUkWebspace 557 Incr 0 0 Other 27-Dec-06 21:30 Ngorongoro-SystemState 559 Incr 0 0 Other 27-Dec-06 21:30 Ngorongoro 565 Incr 108 52,589,545 OK 28-Dec-06 21:00 Lilac 567 Incr 25 21,345 OK 28-Dec-06 21:01 PlusNetWebspace 568 Incr 10 11,487,596 OK 28-Dec-06 21:01 PlusNetEmail 569 Incr 0 0 OK 28-Dec-06 21:01 RodgersOrgUkWebspace ==== Device status: Device "FileStorageDiskA" (/var/spool/bacula) is not open or does not exist. Device "FileStorageDiskB" (/var/spool/bacula2) is not open or does not exist. ==== In Use Volume status: ==== One thing I really don't understand is why the storage daemon reports status "Other" on the two Ngorongoro jobs, whilst the director reports status "Error" (which is correct since ngorongoro is powered down). Does anyone have any ideas about that? Many thanks in advance for any tips, etc. Chris. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT Join's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share your opinions on IT & business topics through brief surveys - and earn cash _______________________________________________ Bacula-users mailing list