Thanks for the replies.  See comments below.

On 12/8/06 12:10 PM, "Robert Nelson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I get similar times between all the combinations I test, Windows -> Linux,
> Linux -> Windows, Linux -> Linux and Windows -> Windows.
> However it did take some tweaking.  The first thing to check is to see if
> you are getting a lot of TCP/IP errors.

This is not the case.  I am not getting errors and this is the same result
on multiple systems.

> This could indicate one of adapters
> isn't running full duplex or there is some other configuration problem.  The
> other thing is the various TCP/IP tuning parameters such as Window Size,
> etc.  Another thing that can make a huge difference, if you are running a
> gigabit network, is use large packets.

These are running at 100 full, no gig yet.
> Then there are all the apples and oranges issues.  Are the machines being
> tested all on the same network segment, do they have equivalent hardware
> (disk speed can make a huge difference), etc.

No they are not all on the same network segment. However, the one system is
a blade in and IBM bladecenter.  Adding another blade running CentOS 4.4 and
running a backup sustains the speed of the other linux boxes.  The Windows
Server blade on that blade center runs at the slower speed.

Either way on the Windows boxes doing file copies or in the case of SCP to
the linux box running Bacula, the speed is exceptionally faster then using
the Bacula client for windows.  This has been tested in the middle of the
day and the middle of the night noting a slight improvement at night, but we
are talking 100 KB/s increase at best.

AV is also not the issue as one of the boxes is not running it and the speed
is the same.

Thanks for your help.

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of DAve
> Sent: Friday, December 08, 2006 9:20 AM
> To: bacula-users
> Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Windows backup to network speed issues
> Brian Jones wrote:
>> I have a question on the speed of backing up Windows 2003/2000/XP boxes to
>> disk across the network.
>> For 2 windows boxes, here is the rates I am getting though it is the same
>> for all the windows boxes:
>>   Rate:                   432.1 KB/s
>>   Rate:                   528.4 KB/s
>> For the Linux boxes, here are 2 rates I am getting but again, it is the
> same
>> across all the Linux boxes:
>>   Rate:                   9556.8 KB/s
>>   Rate:                   8616.3 KB/s
>> I did a test on one of the 2003 server boxes backing up one file that was
>> about 13 gig in size.  The speed was as shown above for Windows boxes.
>> Using winSCP to copy that same file to the same box running Bacula, I have
> a
>> rate of 4000 KB/s.
>> Is the windows Bacula client slow?  Are others seeing better speeds?  I am
>> fairly new to Bacula so any help would be appreciated.
> Anyone please correct me if I am wrong, no egos in play here ;^)
> I see speed differences as well. There are several things that explain
> most of my differences. The load on the server that is running the
> client can have a big effect. I have one very busy web server that backs
> up considerably slower than my FTP server. I noticed as well that full
> backups of a not in use file system go much faster than a differential
> of a heavily used filesystem.
> Not Bacula faults, just the situation. I have tried to move my backup
> schedules to run when there is the least number of processes to interfer
> with the Bacula client.
> Also, keep in mind, the transfer rate is not just the network speed
> attained, but the rate at which the data is transfered via Bacula which
> includes verification, compression, disk reading on the client box, and
> disk writing on the storage box.
> In my testing a straight data transfer such as ftp always outruns
> Bacula, so comparisons are not valid.
> DAve

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