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Yes. In fact, Bacula is more likely to use the wrong tape than the right
one, in my experience... by "wrong" I mean "not what I intended." Bacula
has a fairly sophisticated mechanism for determining what tape to use.
Provided you have your pools defined properly for backups, I suspect
that a tape in the scratch pool would do, if you set the scratch pool up.

One problem here though is that there is back and forth on whether to
use the scratch pool before an available volume in the pool or not. I
would argue that it should check the tape in the drive and if it's
acceptable, run with it. You will not be able to re-use a wrong-labeled
tape, however, I suspect.

Anyways, that's a 50,000 mile view. Good luck!

Gavin Conway wrote:
> As the subject. I've got several places where Bacula is used and
> unfortunately each time someone puts the wrong tape in it throws out the
> sequencing. Is there any way to get Bacula to use whatever tape is
> inserted regardless? i.e. blank tape/none-blank tape is inserted, bacula
> runs the backup to it, labels it and puts it into the appropriate pool.
> Thanks,
> Gavin
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