Thank you Josh, kern, for you replies.
Yes Im using 1.38.11, and the "slot=" does not seems to work(although 
bacula doesn't complaint about it)

I think its logical why bacula doesnt load the tape: its because mount 
command is not associated to a pool(a job is!), so bacula doesnt know 
what tape to load.
Am I right?

By the way, how can I track down why the tapeloader/bacula-sd take so 
much time to respond? Is it normal?. Seems to me that it is waiting for 
something and he gets timeout.
Im looking at the the debug info, and seems to me that bacula-sd is 
waiting for tapeloader to rewind the tape, but there is no tape on the 

Just one other question: what is the meaning of "the device is BLOCKED"? 
Is it blocked because the device is waiting/reserved for a job?

Once again, thanks you for your help


Jaime Ventura
[Infra-estruturas e Comunicações]

Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431
4200 - 072 Porto
Telef: +351 22 834 05 00 (04) - ext. 1641
Fax: +351 22 832 11 59

e-mail:         [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
url: <>         


Josh Fisher wrote:
> Kern Sibbald wrote:
>> On Thursday 30 November 2006 16:20, Josh Fisher wrote:
>>> I believe that is the expected behavior. The mount command mounts the 
>>> volume in a particular archive device. It does not perform a "load and 
>>> mount"  for autochangers. Notice that the mount command does not ask for 
>>> a slot number, thus could not possibly know what volume to load and mount.
>>> The short answer is to load a tape using mtx and then go into bconsole 
>>> and issue the mount.
>> If I am not mistaken, you can also specify the Slot  (mount storage=xxx 
>> slot=nnn) and in that case, Bacula will know what Slot to load into the 
>> drive 
>> and will proceed to do it.
> That is new in the 1.39 series, I think. Jaime is using 1.38.11.
>>> Jaime Ventura wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>>     I had to reboot my bacula server(dir and sd) and now I cant  mount 
>>>> the tape manually(via console)
>>>>     Please have a look on the following:
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] bacula]# ./bconsole
>>>> Connecting to Director bserver:9101
>>>> 1000 OK: bserver-dir Version: 1.38.11 (28 June 2006)
>>>> Enter a period to cancel a command.
>>>> *
>>>> *status dir
>>>> Using default Catalog name=MyCatalog DB=bacula
>>>> bserver-dir Version: 1.38.11 (28 June 2006) x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat
>>>> Daemon started 30-Nov-06 12:30, 0 Jobs run since started.
>>>> Scheduled Jobs:
>>>> Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Name               Volume
>> ===================================================================================
>>>> Incremental    Backup    10  30-Nov-06 23:05    Client1            
>>>> baculaFiles-vol0001
>>>> Full           Backup    11  30-Nov-06 23:10    BackupCatalog      
>>>> baculaFiles-vol0001
>>>> Full           Backup    10  01-Dec-06 05:00    webserver02Backup  
>>>> serversFiles-vol0012
>>>> Full           Backup    10  01-Dec-06 05:00    qualidadeBackup    
>>>> serversFiles-vol0012
>>>> ====
>>>> Running Jobs:
>>>> No Jobs running.
>>>> ====
>>>> Terminated Jobs:
>>>> JobId  Level     Files      Bytes     Status   Finished        Name
>>>> ========================================================================
>>>>  1856  Incr          0              0 OK       29-Nov-06 23:05 Client1
>>>>  1857  Full          1     17,178,275 OK       29-Nov-06 23:10 
>> BackupCatalog
>>>>  1864  Incr          0              0 OK       30-Nov-06 05:06 
>>>> webserver02Backup
>>>>  1865  Incr         26      1,442,055 OK       30-Nov-06 05:07 
>>>> qualidadeBackup
>>>> ====
>>>> *status sd
>>>> The defined Storage resources are:
>>>>     1: File
>>>>     2: IBM-Ultrium-3
>>>>     3: TapeLoader124T
>>>>     4: FileSERVERS
>>>>     5: FileUSERS
>>>> Select Storage resource (1-5): 3
>>>> Connecting to Storage daemon TapeLoader124T at
>>>> bserver-sd Version: 1.38.11 (28 June 2006) x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat
>>>> Daemon started 30-Nov-06 12:30, 0 Jobs run since started.
>>>> Running Jobs:
>>>> No Jobs running.
>>>> ====
>>>> Jobs waiting to reserve a drive:
>>>> ====
>>>> Terminated Jobs:
>>>> JobId  Level   Files          Bytes Status   Finished        Name
>>>> ======================================================================
>>>>  1856  Incr          0              0 OK       29-Nov-06 23:05 Client1
>>>>  1857  Full          1     17,178,382 OK       29-Nov-06 23:10 
>>>> BackupCatalog
>>>>  1864  Incr          0              0 OK       30-Nov-06 05:06 
>>>> webserver02Backup
>>>> ====
>>>> Device status:
>>>> Autochanger "TapeLoader124T" with devices:
>>>>   "IBM-Ultrium-3" (/dev/nst0)
>>>> Device "FileStorage" (/backupspace/bacula/bacula) is not open or does 
>>>> not exist.
>>>> Device "FileStorageSERVERS" (/backupspaceSERVERS/bacula/servers) is not 
>>>> open or does not exist.
>>>> Device "FileStorageUSERS" (/backupspace/bacula/users) is not open or 
>>>> does not exist.
>>>> Device "IBM-Ultrium-3" (/dev/nst0) open but no Bacula volume is mounted.
>>>>    Drive 0 is not loaded.
>>>>    Total Bytes Read=0 Blocks Read=0 Bytes/block=0
>>>>    Positioned at File=0 Block=0
>>>> ====
>>>> In Use Volume status:
>>>> ====
>>>> *
>>>> *
>>>> *mount
>>>> The defined Storage resources are:
>>>>     1: File
>>>>     2: IBM-Ultrium-3
>>>>     3: TapeLoader124T
>>>>     4: FileSERVERS
>>>>     5: FileUSERS
>>>> Select Storage resource (1-5): 3
>>>> Connecting to Storage daemon TapeLoader124T at ...
>>>> 3905 Device "IBM-Ultrium-3" (/dev/nst0) open but no Bacula volume is 
>>>> mounted.
>>>> If this is not a blank tape, try unmounting and remounting the Volume.
>>>> *umount
>>>> The defined Storage resources are:
>>>>     1: File
>>>>     2: IBM-Ultrium-3
>>>>     3: TapeLoader124T
>>>>     4: FileSERVERS
>>>>     5: FileUSERS
>>>> Select Storage resource (1-5): 3
>>>> 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded drive 0" command.
>>>> 3302 Autochanger "loaded drive 0", result: nothing loaded.
>>>> 3002 Device "IBM-Ultrium-3" (/dev/nst0) unmounted.
>>>> *mount
>>>> The defined Storage resources are:
>>>>     1: File
>>>>     2: IBM-Ultrium-3
>>>>     3: TapeLoader124T
>>>>     4: FileSERVERS
>>>>     5: FileUSERS
>>>> Select Storage resource (1-5): 3
>>>> 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded drive 0" command.
>>>> 3302 Autochanger "loaded drive 0", result: nothing loaded.
>>>> 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded drive 0" command.
>>>> 3302 Autochanger "loaded drive 0", result: nothing loaded.
>>>> 3902 Cannot mount Volume on Storage Device "IBM-Ultrium-3" (/dev/nst0) 
>>>> because:
>>>> Couldn't rewind device "IBM-Ultrium-3" (/dev/nst0): ERR=dev.c:678 Rewind 
>>>> error on "IBM-Ultrium-3" (/dev/nst0). ERR=No medium found.
>>>> 3905 Device "IBM-Ultrium-3" (/dev/nst0) open but no Bacula volume is 
>>>> mounted.
>>>> If this is not a blank tape, try unmounting and remounting the Volume.
>>>> *list volumes
>>>> Pool: Default
>> +---------+---------------------+-----------+---------------+----------+--------------+---------+------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+
>>>> | MediaId | VolumeName          | VolStatus | VolBytes      | VolFiles | 
>>>> VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | 
>>>> LastWritten         |
>> +---------+---------------------+-----------+---------------+----------+--------------+---------+------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+
>>>> |       2 | baculaFiles-vol0001 | Append    | 5,950,381,263 |        1 
>>>> |   31,536,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File      | 2006-11-29 
>>>> 23:10:15 |
>> +---------+---------------------+-----------+---------------+----------+--------------+---------+------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+
>>>> Pool: DefaultPoolForSERVERS
>> +---------+----------------------+-----------+---------------+----------+--------------+---------+------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+
>>>> | MediaId | VolumeName           | VolStatus | VolBytes      | VolFiles 
>>>> | VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | 
>>>> LastWritten         |
>> +---------+----------------------+-----------+---------------+----------+--------------+---------+------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+
>>>> |       1 | serversFiles-vol0001 | Full      | 9,999,953,959 |        2 
>>>> |   31,536,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File      | 2006-05-31 
>>>> 23:08:31 |
>>>> |       4 | serversFiles-vol0002 | Full      | 9,999,950,771 |        2 
>>>> |   31,536,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File      | 2006-07-08 
>>>> 23:06:05 |
>>>> |      17 | serversFiles-vol0011 | Full      | 9,999,973,798 |        2 
>>>> |   31,536,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File      | 2006-11-03 
>>>> 20:38:47 |
>>>> |      18 | serversFiles-vol0012 | Append    | 3,439,553,195 |        0 
>>>> |   31,536,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File      | 2006-11-30 
>>>> 05:07:23 |
>> +---------+----------------------+-----------+---------------+----------+--------------+---------+------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+
>>>> Pool: DefaultPoolForUSERS
>>>> No results to list.
>>>> Pool: TapePoolForSERVERS
>> +---------+------------+-----------+---------------+----------+--------------+---------+------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+
>>>> | MediaId | VolumeName | VolStatus | VolBytes      | VolFiles | 
>>>> VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | 
>>>> LastWritten         |
>> +---------+------------+-----------+---------------+----------+--------------+---------+------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+
>>>> |       8 | 000001L3   | Append    | 6,880,355,048 |       12 |    
>>>> 5,184,000 |       1 |    1 |         1 | Ultrium-3 | 2006-11-27 06:25:58 |
>>>> |       9 | 000002L3   | Append    |             1 |        0 |    
>>>> 5,184,000 |       1 |    2 |         1 | Ultrium-3 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
>>>> |      10 | 000003L3   | Append    |             1 |        0 |    
>>>> 5,184,000 |       1 |    3 |         1 | Ultrium-3 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
>>>> |      11 | 000004L3   | Append    |             1 |        0 |    
>>>> 5,184,000 |       1 |    4 |         1 | Ultrium-3 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
>> +---------+------------+-----------+---------------+----------+--------------+---------+------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+
>>>> *
>>>> As you can see , I try to mount the tapeloader I get the message : If 
>>>> this is not a blank tape, try unmounting and remounting the Volume.
>>>> Actually, there is no tape on the drive, but still i try the umout and 
>>>> then I try to mount again... without success.
>>>> By the way, the mount command takes a lot of time.
>>>> The tapeloader has a webinterface where I can see that no tape is loaded 
>>>> to the drive during the process.
>>>> On /var/log/messages I get the message "kernel st0: MTSETDRVBUFFER only 
>>>> allowed for root", but this message has always "been there" and the 
>>>> tapeloader worked before.
>>>> Can someone help me to, at least, debug what's happening?
>>>>  Thanks,
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