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I'm a little stumped about this one. The only thing I've changed
recently (and we're talking a couple of weeks ago) is the way I deal
with incremental backup media. I had previously been closing the tape
device after each backup, but really, when a tape is used all week, this
is unnecessary and bad for the drive. So I am currently running like this:

Device {
  Name = helios_DDS                        #
  Media Type = DDS-4
  Archive Device = /dev/rmt/0cbn
  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
  AlwaysOpen = yes;
  Volume Poll Interval = 30 minutes;
  Close on Poll = yes;
  RemovableMedia = yes;
  RandomAccess = no;
  Spool Directory = /usr/local/bacula/var/spool;

I'm not sure that any of these are a problem (though I suppose it's
possible that I should not have Close on Poll in here or Volume Poll
Interval). I believe the change I made was "AlwaysOpen", which had been
"No." As far as tape changes, I do the following:

1 8 * * 1       echo "umount storage=helios_DDS" |
/usr/local/bacula/sbin/bconsole -c /usr/local/bacula/etc/bconsole.conf

....to make sure that the tape is removable when my staff need to remove
it, sometime before Monday night.

However, this is where I've ended up the last two Monday nights:

Running Jobs:
Console connected at 28-Nov-06 01:13
 JobId Level   Name                       Status
  1717 Increme  NJMSCatalyst.2006-11-27_23.00.00 is waiting on Storage
  1718 Increme  CFMX-dev.2006-11-27_23.00.01 is waiting on Storage
  1719 Increme  sopris-WEBMAIL.2006-11-27_23.00.02 is waiting on Storage
  1720 Increme  BigBrother-Display.2006-11-27_23.00.08 is waiting on
Storage helios_DDS
  1721 Increme  SVNrepos.2006-11-27_23.00.09 is waiting on Storage
  1722 Increme  VistaBKsave.2006-11-27_23.00.10 is waiting execution
  1723 Increme  BigBrother-NET.2006-11-27_23.00.11 is waiting execution
  1724 Full    Catalog.2006-11-27_23.55.00 is waiting execution

....I don't know what "waiting" means in this context, or what I'm
supposed to do to free up this situation (short of stopping Bacula or
cancelling the jobs). Is there any way to bust up the log-jam here, or
am I hosed? How can I avoid this mess in the future.
- --
 ---- _  _ _  _ ___  _  _  _
 |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer III
 |$&| |__| |  | |__/ | \| _| |[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
 \__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630
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