On 11/24/06, Andras Horvai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


You are right. My answer was wrong. I did some research in the manual and
I found this:

(page 292 in the pdf):


File Retention = <time-period-specification> The File Retention

record defines the length of time that Bacula will keep File records

in the Catalog database. When this time period expires, and if Au-

toPrune is set to yes, Bacula will prune (remove) File records that

are older than the specified File Retention period. The pruning will

occur at the end of a backup Job for the given Client. Note that the

Client database record contains a copy of the File and Job retention

periods, but Bacula uses the current values found in the Director's

Client resource to do the pruning.


So regarding the documentation you don't need to do anything else. You
have already

restarted the director daemon.


-----Original Message-----


To:      bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net

Date:    Friday Friday, November 24, 2006 10:50:00 PM

Subject: [Bacula-users] Update clients FileRetention && JobRetention


On 11/24/06, pedro moreno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 11/24/06, Andras Horvai < [EMAIL PROTECTED]<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>


Use the update command in bacula console. Check this:



-----Original Message-----


To:      bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net

Date:    Friday Friday, November 24, 2006 6:50:15 PM

Subject: [Bacula-users] Update clients FileRetention && JobRetention


   Hi people.

   I Update my Pool && Volume RetentionPeriod, now i need to update my
Clients FileRetention && JobRetention period but i didn't see any command to
 help with..?

   I change my values in bacula-dir.conf them reload bacula-dir.conf but
didn't work.I restart my clients but didn't work.

   This can be possible...?

   I need to increase this values, i have been searching about but still
don't find anything about, any info about will be apreciated, thanks all for
your time!!!

   Bacula Server 1.38.11 FreeBSD 6.1-p10.


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Andras, the update command doesn't have any argument about clients

Update choice:

     1: Volume parameters

     2: Pool from resource

     3: Slots from autochanger

   Could you please point me where...?

  Thanks for your time!!!

   Maybe i wasn't clear, the values that i want to update are from the
Client Resource in bacula-dir.conf

Client {

  Name = Client1

  Address =  <>

  FDPort = 9102

  Catalog = MyCatalog

  Password = "mypassword"

  File Retention = 26 days

  Job Retention = 27 days

  AutoPrune = yes


   This are the values i want to update.

   Sorry for this mistake, greetings!!!

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  Great, sorry i didn't read that part.

  Now let see the progress, thanks Andras for your help.
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