On Friday 10 November 2006 18:03, Les Mikesell wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-11-10 at 15:21 +0100, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> > Yes, theoretically only the copyright holder(s) can change the license.  
> > However, the FSFE agreement is a fiduciary relationship, which is entered 
> > into for the purpose of protecting and defending the copyright.  They 
> > the project management up to the project.  Legally, they can change the 
> > license, but their intention is to change it only if the project wants to 
> > change it, or to be able to change the license if the project no longer 
> > exists and someone comes and tries to scoop up the code and make it 
> Is a non-free version a big issue for you?  I've always been a big fan
> of perl's dual-license approach which effectively removes the
> restrictions
> of the GPL while allowing it to co-exist with GPL'd components.  I think
> it's been a good thing for everyone.
I'm not aware of what Perl's dual license is.  If it is something like what 
MySQL does, i.e. offer special versions for a price, then I'm not very 
enthousiastic about that kind of model for Bacula.  Nor would I like to see 
some Venture Capital effort come along and snap up Bacula as they have done 
for Amanda.  I also don't particularly like the BSD licenses as they don't 
require a "tit for a tat" as Linus calls it.  I have no problem with others 
chosing the license and business model they want, but it is not what I have 
wanted and continue to want for Bacula.  MySQL models result in a project 
that is no longer driven by contributions, but is driven by paid employees 
from commercial revenues.  BSD type licenses don't guarantee that the 
"project" remains Free Source (e.g., if I am not mistaken, the Microsoft 
networking code was pulled from the BSD stack, but none of their fixes or 
enhancements have gone back to the community that provided them the code for 

The parts of Bacula that I feel could be used in proprietary code to interface 
to Bacula are released under LGPL so that vendors can develop proprietary 
code to interface with Bacula without starting from scratch.

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