Hi All,

I just wanted to report back to the community on a successful restore  
that really saved me. When a power plug was accidentally unplugged  
from one of our primary file servers last week, 4 drives out of 12  
stopped working, killing our RAID-5. I put the tapes used in last  
month's full and last Friday's differential, plus the incrementals  
preceding the crash. In just over 2 days, I have 3.4TB of data restored.

Thanks again to everybody involved in the project.


P.S.: Job totals below

   JobId:                  445
   Job:                    RestoreFiles.2006-11-04_12.59.56
   Client:                 xray-fd
   Start time:             04-Nov-2006 12:59:58
   End time:               06-Nov-2006 15:37:46
   Files Expected:         2,579,433
   Files Restored:         2,579,433
   Bytes Restored:         3,548,110,395,519
   Rate:                   19466.4 KB/s
   FD Errors:              0
   FD termination status:  OK
   SD termination status:  OK
   Termination:            Restore OK

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