On 11/6/06, Sarath Jayewardena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I guess different distributions make modifications to software to fit into
> their philosophy. I faced the same problem when I started playing with
> bacula on Debian (using sqlite). These were the steps that I took to
> re-start from scratch:
>   - stopped bacula daemons
>   - remove all files in /var/lib/bacula (includes bacula.db)
>   - create new database tables by running
>       /usr/share/bacula-director/make_sqlite_tables
>     (hopefully, there is one for mysql)
>   - change ownership of /var/lib/bacula/bacula.db to bacula:bacula
> The 'drop' script was not to be found. Hence removing db manually in step
> 2 above. Hope this helps.

I had two "options" blocks in my fileset, the first containing the
compression setting, the second containing the excluded file
extensions. This didn't work (the first one was silently ignored), so
I did another fresh start.
  dpkg-reconfigure bacula-director-mysql   didn't create a new database, but:
  apt-get remove bacula-director-mysql
  apt-get install bacula-director-mysql
did the trick, and didn't overwrite my existing bacula-dir.conf

One other problem I had was that the catalog backup jobs never
contained any data.
I added write permissions for the working directory (don't know if
this was really needed)
and changed the parameters for make_catalog_backup from "-u<user>
-p<passw>" into "-uroot". it now creates the copy of the catalog and
makes a backup of that.

I now have separate pools and volumes for the full and incremental
backup, and don't do any differential backups. full backup every 3
month, and incremental every hour (during work hours). the full backup
volumes are used once and the incremental volumes for 3 month. All
volumes are of the file type, and are created using auto labeling.
About 50 GB of data is backed up this way. I made separate pools and
volumes for each client, so changes to the fileset don't cause a full
backup on all the clients and allows for more flexibility in the
scheduling and volume purging.  It's all looking very nice now.


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