
On 11/2/2006 11:44 AM, Warwick Bruce Chapman wrote:
> Hi All
> I know I have not really contributed much to this list, but I am not 
> sure I should be helping users if I cannot get something as basic as 
> this working.  Please assist me if you have any ideas, and then as soon 
> as this is working smoothly I will contribute the whole configuration 
> back as initially promised.

Warwick, I'm sure nobody here expects you to contribute before your 
questions will be answered, so I don't think it's necessary for you to 
apologize :-)

> Regards
> Warwick
> Warwick Bruce Chapman wrote:
>>Hi Guys
>>I am having a rough time with my setup.  Everything in it says that it 
>>should just vape whichever tape is in the drive at the time of the 
>>backup, but it does not.  Instead I have to manually prune the current 
>>volume and then the backup starts.

Unfortunately, and I'm only speaking for myself here, I don't have much 
spare time at the moment.

These recycling issues are a little hard to diagnose, i.e. you need lots 
of information and time to carefully look over all the settings and tape 
statuses. So I can only give you some pointers now:


>># Daily pool definition
>>Pool {
>>  Name = DailyPool
>>  Pool Type = Backup
>>  Recycle = yes
>>  Recycle Current Volume = yes
>>  AutoPrune = yes
>>  UseVolumeOnce = yes

 From what I understand - and this directive is deprecated! - this 
should mean that the volumes will not be recycled.

>>  MaximumVolumeBytes = 38654705664  # This was put here because we 
>>kept getting problems about user-defined capacity being reached.
>>  Volume Retention = 12 hours

Ok, a volume will be kept for 12 hours after it's finished. Finised 
meand being set to "Used" or "Full".

>>  Accept Any Volume = yes

When you change pool settings you have to update the volumes to reflect 
the new default settings.
Specific volume settings can be examined with the llist command.

It might help if you posted the data for one volume which you think 
should be recycled.


>>Warwick Chapman
>>Managing Director
>>Cellular: +27 83 7797 094
>>-- There are 10 types of people in this world;
>>those who understand binary, and those who don't.     
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>>Facsimile: +27 31 277 1269
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