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I would appear that way on the face of it... trouble is, bacula.db
doesn't even exist yet (at least I don't think it does -- not sure where
it's supposed to go to begin with).

I could give running this as bacula a shot and see if it helps, but I'm
not sure why it would, as I've given no indication that anything should
be run as bacula, UNLESS that's what that $* does -- defines who to run as.

Sarath Jayewardena wrote:
> I had a similar problem. It turned out to be a permission issue. I was
> running make_sqlite_tables as root, so bacula.db was ownned by root. I had
> to change ownership to bacula to get it working. Your problem is not
> exactly the same, but could be caused by a similar permission problem.
> - Sarath
> On Fri, 20 Oct 2006, Ryan Novosielski wrote:
> Hey all,
> Still plugging away at regress (HP-UX was probably not the easiest
> platform choice, but it is what is available for testing)...
> My latest trouble is with make_sqlite_tables. I don't know why it is
> failing -- it doesn't seem like I missed a step as this seems to 'just
> work' normally...
> Any ideas?
> My SQLite is 2.8.7 in /opt/sqlite and my Bacula is 1.38.11. Finally got
> through the build portions, but having never used SQLite before, not
> sure where to go from here -- does not seem to be more than a few files
> in my SQLite install, and no man pages:
> # ./make_sqlite_tables bacula
> SQL error: near "bacula": syntax error
> chmod: can't access bacula.db
> ...which appears to be this command here:
> ${bindir}/${sqlite} $* bacula.db <<END-OF-DATA
> CREATE TABLE Filename (
>   FilenameId INTEGER,
>   Name TEXT DEFAULT "",
>   PRIMARY KEY(FilenameId)
>   );
> ...where $sqlite=sqlite and $*=bacula.
> This is called by 'make_bacula_tables bacula':
> if test xsqlite = xsqlite -o xsqlite3 = xsqlite ; then
>   echo "Making SQLite tables"
>   /home/novosirj/regress/bin/make_sqlite_tables $*
> else
> ...which is in turn called by 'setup':
> cd bin
> ./create_bacula_database bacula
> ./drop_bacula_tables bacula
> ./make_bacula_tables bacula
> ./grant_bacula_privileges bacula
> Thanks for the help.
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 |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer III
 |$&| |__| |  | |__/ | \| _| |[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
 \__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630
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