
On 9/27/2006 9:08 AM, Janco van der Merwe wrote:
> By Client compression do you mean the Compression=GZIP or the default 
> compression? My Bacula is pretty much still default nothing special at this 
> point....well apart from the amount of data being backed up. If it is not 
> possible at this point is there a possibility in the near future for Bacula 
> to include the ratio, by that I mean will it be possible for the Bacula to 
> include the ratio from the Hardware? 

That won't be possible, I guess.

There's no reliable way of determining the compression ratio the drives 
hardware achieves. (Well, there might be ways for distinct devices, but 
nothing portable or even standardized as far as I know.)

Actually, the compression ratio you achieve has noting to do with 
Bacula. I's just a thing between the tape drive and, most important, 
your data.

Storing plain text data on a tape with harware compression tends to 
result in very high compression ratio. If you manage to get 1 TB of mp3s 
onto a LTO3 tape I'd be rather astonished as that data should not be 

Keep in mind that what the manufactures say about compressed capacity 
usually has a clause like "typically... assuming a compression ratio of 
2:1" or, case of Sony, 2.6:1. That's not much more than an educated 
guess with lots of marketing language added to it :-)

Anyway, the only reliable way of determining the effective compression 
ratio is comparing the tapes uncompressed capacity (which you'd have to 
measure on a per-tape basis) and the capacity you achieve with 
compressed data.


> Janco v.d Merwe
> Network Administrator
> Dunns Stores (PTY) Ltd
> Switchboard: 011 541 3000
> Direct: 011 541 3007
> Fax: 086 632 1708
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kern Sibbald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 27 September, 2006 08:29
> To: bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Cc: Janco van der Merwe
> Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Compression ratio
> On Wednesday 27 September 2006 08:15, Janco van der Merwe wrote:
>>On my previous e-mail that I sent to the forum I showed you the amount of 
> data that was backed up to a single LTO3 tape and I received a request from 
> the management to see if I, or rather Bacula, can't give the compression 
> ratio details in the notification e-mail. I went through the manual to see if 
> there is a way but I can't find it, most probably missed it, but is there a 
> way that I can do that?  
> Bacula provides the compression ratio if you turn on Client compression, 
> which 
> I don't recommend especially with the results you are getting.  With hardware 
> compression, Bacula has insufficient information.
>>Janco v.d Merwe
>>Network Administrator
>>Dunns Stores (PTY) Ltd
>>Switchboard: 011 541 3000
>>Direct: 011 541 3007
>>Fax: 086 632 1708
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