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Found out the trouble. Lost communication with the -fd. As for the
reason why? I have no idea. Eventually it printed an error message that
it could not communicate with the file daemon and cancelled.

Ah well, I guess "nevermind." :)

Ryan Novosielski wrote:
> I'm having trouble getting one of my jobs to cancel. Here is the
> scenario... I'm running incremental backups on a number of machines
> concurrently to the same tape. As it happens, I've added a new machine
> recently and I have not yet started backing it up, so I disabled the
> spec. I guess I must have restarted or something because it came back on
> by itself -- I have no doubt that it did what it was supposed to in that
> instance.
> However, the result was that the backup ran on that host. There is no
> prior incremental, so it upgraded to full. As it's inappropriate to run
> a full on the incremental tape (no disk space), I want to cancel that
> job and disable the spec again. However, the job will not cancel. This
> is twice now that I've run into this. Here is the 'status storage':
> Running Jobs:
>  JobId Level   Name                       Status
> ======================================================================
>   1317 Full    VistaBKsave.2006-09-22_23.00.05 is waiting for a mount
> request
>   1318 Full    Catalog.2006-09-22_23.55.00 is waiting for higher
> priority jobs to finish
> ====
> Terminated Jobs:
>  JobId  Level     Files      Bytes     Status   Finished        Name
> ========================================================================
>   1304  Incr      3,035    237,327,564 OK       21-Sep-06 23:03 CFMX-dev
>   1306  Incr      1,413      6,072,268 OK       21-Sep-06 23:04
> BigBrother-Display
>   1303  Incr          0              0 Cancel   22-Sep-06 01:30 NJMSCatalyst
>   1310  Incr          8      7,001,600 OK       22-Sep-06 01:34 NJMSCatalyst
>   1311  Full          1     57,944,677 OK       22-Sep-06 01:37 Catalog
>   1316  Incr          9        136,395 OK       22-Sep-06 23:00 SVNrepos
>   1314  Incr          5     40,568,871 OK       22-Sep-06 23:00
> sopris-WEBMAIL
>   1312  Incr          7     17,351,680 OK       22-Sep-06 23:00 NJMSCatalyst
>   1313  Incr         12     19,560,209 OK       22-Sep-06 23:01 CFMX-dev
>   1315  Incr      1,358      5,823,160 OK       22-Sep-06 23:04
> BigBrother-Display
> ====
> *cancel 1317
> Select Job:
>      1: JobId=1317 Job=VistaBKsave.2006-09-22_23.00.05
>      2: JobId=1318 Job=Catalog.2006-09-22_23.55.00
> Choose Job to cancel (1-2): 1
> ...and it just hangs here. Anyone seen anything like this? Shall I try
> to get this to happen again with the daemons running in debug mode? Any
> other suggestions from the gallery? I can stop and start Bacula to get
> this one stopped, but obviously not a solution. I'm going to let it run
> overnight to see if it ever gets anyplace.
> Thanks for your help!

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- --
 ---- _  _ _  _ ___  _  _  _
 |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer III
 |$&| |__| |  | |__/ | \| _| |[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
 \__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630
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