I have a working configuration of Bacula, where I take incremental
backup to disk 5 days a week and a Full backup to disk once a month.
There is a new volum every day with the retention of 57 days (almost two
months). The system runs on some Debian Sarge boxes with bacula-1.36.2
and mtx-1.2.16rel-4.

Now I want to take a full backup to tape once a month and store it for
12 months before I recycle them. This is in addiction to the disk
backup. For this purpose I want to use an Sun StorEdge L9 (Vendor ID: HP
Product ID: C7145-8000) with a DLT8000 tape station inside.

What works today:
* Once a month there will be taken a full backup to a different storage
device on a different pool (for tape backup) then the reste of the days
in the mount.
* I can take backup to tape.
* Mtx works and can change tape in the robot from command line `mtx
-f /dev/sg1 load 3 /dev/nst0`

What do NOT work today:
* Bacula will not change tape in the robot with the mtx-changer script
that comes with bacula.
* I can't label tapes in the robot without changing tape manually (from
command line or with buttons on the robot), which lead to the fact that
bacula will not know which slot a specific volum is stored. The reason
is obviously the first point that do not work ...

In the manual (for 1.36) I read about "Daily Tape Rotation" (page 280),
and there it is written that I had to have one pool for each tape, is
that stil so ... still in version 1.36 (I might upgrade to 1.38, but
rader not). But it also says that it in this case was necessary to use
"Always Open = No" in bacula-sd.conf, can some one me explain this?

Parts of my bacula-sd.conf:

# A Linux or Solaris tape drive

Device {
  Name = DLT8000-Dracula
  Media Type = DLT8000-L9
  Archive Device = /dev/nst0
  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
  AlwaysOpen = yes;
  RemovableMedia = yes;
  RandomAccess = no;
  Changer Command = "/etc/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"
  Changer Device = /dev/sg1
  AutoChanger = yes
  Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'"
  Offline On Unmount = yes
  Spool Directory = /disks/DRACULA1/Bacula-Spool

Parts of my bacula-dir.conf:

# When to do the backups, full backup to tape on first saterday of the
# full backup to disk on first sunday of the month and incremental
# other days
Schedule {
  Name = "WeeklyCycle"
  Run = Full 1st sun at 1:05
#  Run = Full Storage=Dracula-Tape Pool=Dracula-Full-Tape-Pool 1st sat
at 1:05
  Run = Incremental tue-sat at 1:05

# Dracula-Tape
Storage {
  Name = Full-Tape-Dracula
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
# Do not use "localhost" here    
  Address = XXX.YYY.ZZZ
  SDPort = 9103
  Password = "XXXXXX"
  Device = DLT8000-Dracula
  Media Type = DLT8000-L9
  Autochanger = yes

# Tape Pool for Full Backup on Dracula
Pool {
  Name = Dracula-Full-Tape-Pool
  Recycle Oldest Volume = yes
#  Label Format =
  Pool Type = Backup
#  Volume Use Duration = 14d
  Recycle = yes               # Bacula can automatically recycle Volumes
  AutoPrune = yes                    # Prune expired volumes
  Volume Retention = 350 days        # almost year
  Accept Any Volume = yes            # write on any volume in the pool

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