Hello everybody,


Im having problems with bacula director config. As shown in many examples all over internet, the “Enable VSS = yes” statement should be placed in the FileSet recource, and _not_ in ‘include’ or ‘options’ sections. I have done just that, that’s what my FileSet looks like:


FileSet {

            Name = "Wintest"

            Enable VSS = yes

            Include {

                        Options {

                                    wildfile = "*.o"

                                    wildfile = "*.exe"

                                    Exclude = yes


                        File = "c:/Documents and Settings/mnt/My Documents"




Anyway, I still get this message whenever I try to launch bacula director:


15-Sep 12:24 tuvalu-dir: ERROR TERMINATION at parse_conf.c:821

Config error: Keyword "EnableVSS" not permitted in this resource.

Perhaps you left the trailing brace off of the previous resource.

            : line 160, col 12 of file ./bacula-dir.conf

      Enable VSS = yes


With the VSS setting removed, the director starts normally.

Is it something I’m doing wrogn?





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