
On 9/4/2006 9:45 AM, Arunav Mandal wrote:
> On Sunday 03 September 2006 22:20, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> In my /var/lib/mysql there are a number of big files called 
> dir_hostname-bin.000001 and so on and they are quite big around 1.1G. To me 
> it looks like a index files. It is filling up my mysql partition quickly.

Does this mean that the partition _is_ full and thus the database does 
not run reliably any more?

In that case, this might explain your problems getting the jobs started.

> It 
> is rotated everyday. How to automatically remove the files or do we need 
> those files?

These are binary log files of the database. If you need them or not 
does, AFAIK, depend upon your needs, for example regarding database 
backups. (It's usually something you have to decide: do complete 
database dumps each time you backup the database and delete the logs 
aftrwards, or backup the logs to do incremental database backups.)

They might also be important for database replicateion, for example.

Also see http://ww.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/backup.html for some more 


> Arunav. 
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