"Kern Sibbald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> kirjoitti viestissä
> On Tuesday 15 August 2006 13:28, Timo Neuvonen wrote:
> > Bacula documentation lists some job options that can be overriden
> >in the schedule resource. "Write Bootstrap" is not mentioned in
> > this list, can the bootstrap file also be specified differently
> > for differently scheduled variations of the same job?  And
> > further, if I could do this, can I use character substitutions
> > similar to eg. "Run After Job" in bootsrap file name to specify
> > the client in question?
> >
> > Why doing this? Because I would be using two pools (one for Jan,
> > Mar, May etc, and the other one for Feb, Apr, Jun etc) and I'd
> > like to keep the bootsrap files for both pools separate. The jobs
> > would be similar to each other in other respects, so I would
> > find it very simple to use the job overrides in the schedule
> > resource to specify this.
> I don't think it is a good idea either as you will not be able to
> restore correctly. You may be able to do it through some Python
> scripting or something, but I do not recommend it.
Maybe I didn't explain well enough my idea.
My plan was to make a full backup in the beginning of every month,
and then incremental backups to the same pool during this month (I
find this reasonable, since majority of my data will be very static,
with only few changes). So one pool would contain everything I would
ever need to restore any state of the system during this month.
During the second month, another pool would be used in a similar way,
starting again with a full backup, followed by incremental backups. My
idea was to have another bootstrap file for this month (pool), since
the full backup in the very beginning of the month would otherwise
overwrite the bootstrap data from previous month.

In the beginning of the third month, the first pool would be taken
into use again, and now the tapes used during the first month would be
recycled. Now a full backup would be made again, followed by repeated
incremental backups. My idea was to overwrite the original bootstrap
file only now, but still keeping the bootstrap data for the second
month (as long as the data on the tapes of that month is available).

Is there really some kind of potential restore problem in this
arrangement? I can't see the problem by myself right now, but
obviously that doesn't mean there couldn't exist one...

> >
> > So, I'm looking for schedule like this:
> >
> > Schedule {
> >   Name = "NightlyCycle"
> >   Run = Pool=Month135 WriteBootstrap=/var/bacula/%c-135.bsr \
> >     jan mar may jul sep nov at 01:05
> >   Run = Pool=Month246 WriteBootstrap=/var/bacula/%c-246.bsr \
> >     feb apr jun aug oct dec at 01:05
> > }
> >
> >
> > If there is a way to solve this, I have a further problem:
> >
> > I'd like to have the bootstrap file being emailed using the job
> > resource's "Run After Job" option. This is, first writing the
> > bootstrap file to a local disk (no NFS filesystems on another
> > hardware available), and then emailing a "backup" of the bootstrap
> > file to bacula admin. This would require knowing the name of the
> > bootstrap file somehow. The character substitution options of the
> > Run After Job (%c for client's name etc) don't include a direct
> > way for getting the name of bootstrap file, nor they don't seem to
> > include the pool's name so I could use client's and pool's names
> > to re-construct the bootstrap file's name. The command needed
> > would ideally be something like:
> > Run After Job = "nail -a /var/bacula/%bootstrap [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> >
> > Does anyone have any ideas how to specify this? The problem is, I
> > don't have another linux server on the same side of the firewall,
> > so it's difficult to have mounted network filesystems available,
> > and having an ftp server available is also difficult. If I had
> > either of those, then I could simply forward every time all my
> > bootstrap files although they all hadn't changed at all. But
> > sending unnecessary emails isn't so nice, since they don't
> > overwrite the older exactly alike copies.
> Since the bootstrap filename is present and unique per job, you
> simply use the same name. It should be no problem to email it using
> a RunAfterJob script.
Yes, a RunAfterJob does this nicely as long as the name is known. And
if there is no way to alter the name with Schedule, it will always be


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