Martin Simmons wrote:
>>>>>> On Fri, 11 Aug 2006 11:34:08 +0100, Dominic Marks said:
>> Martin Simmons wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Fri, 11 Aug 2006 11:03:30 +0100 (BST), Dominic Marks said:
>>>> All,
>>>> Having had my first database corruption with Bacula, which I don't
>>>> feel too bad about after 11 months on a medium sized site (compared to
>>>> Veritas!) I have now discovered dbcheck and its limitations.
>>> Do you know what caused the database corruption?  Was it a Bacula problem or
>>> the database itself?
>> Bacula. MySQL seems perfectly happy. Bacula has a number of symptoms which
>> make it unusable for a production system.
> Any idea what happened to cause the "More than one filename" problem?  It
> would be nice to fix Bacula if possible.
> __Martin
I think it could have its origins outside of Bacula. I'm backing up a 
lot of Windows systems
running Oracle and Java. Certainly some Java applications (OC4J) seem to 
have some strange
controls over the file system, I also have problems with .Net 
applications on certain other
systems where I get errors which nobody else seems to get.

  1. Packet size too big (apparently fixed, but the fix doesn't help for me)
  2. Overlapped I/O operation is in progress, when trying to take a VSS 

Since the Windows file system is a rather different beast from UNIX and 
I've never had
a sniff of a problem backing up our FreeBSD, Linux and Solaris systems 
I'm inclined to
suggest they are responsible.  The 'more than one file name' error 
doesn't tell me what
file has more than one name, although I think it is supposed to:

30-Jul 19:00 bacula-dir: backup-gdc055.2006-07-30_19.00.07 Warning: 
sql_create.c:831 More than one Filename! 2 for file:

I believe the path to the file should be printed after the colon, 
perhaps a valid file in Windows
created somehow with a null/empty name? It seems strange that it would 
happen on a number of
clients almost at the same time. In fact - this all started on 28th of 
July, interestingly it seems to
have originated on the system of a .NET developer. After his initial 
backup it looks like pretty
much all our developers systems started getting the same error message.

I can make the mail report from Bacula available to interested parties 
but I'd rather not make
it widely public. I've had a read but I don't really know what to look 
for and frankly the log is
rather odd, perhaps even a red herring.

Very happy to work with interested parties on the issue, preferably in 
private until the issue
is resolved (if there is one).


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