I see the error with show warnings; as well in the
mysql cli, but I am still not sure what it means
because I have space on the hardrive.  The storage
engine can sometimes refer to myisam or innodb.  The
maximum storage on these are in the terabytes so that
is why I am still confused.

any more thoughts would be appreciated!


--- Frank Sweetser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 14, 2006 at 08:50:11AM -0700, Zakai
> Kinan wrote:
> > Does anyone what any idea what this error means?
> > 
> > 13-Aug 23:10 backup-dir: RunBefore: mysqldump:
> > mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show fields from
> > `BaseFiles`': Got error 28 from storage engine
> (1030)
> > The result is that I can't back anything up or do
> any
> > restore.  This problem started happening last
> Tuesday
> > after a massive power failure.  I don't believe
> the
> > power causes this error.  My bacula database is
> 3.6GB
> > in size.  My research did not lead to anything
> > definitive.  I have plenty of space on my
> hardrives.
> You can use the perror command to translate mysql
> error codes:
> tty/1 1011 erwin 11:45:48 $ perror 28
> OS error code  28:  No space left on device
> -- 
> Frank Sweetser fs at wpi.edu  |  For every problem,
> there is a solution that
> WPI Network Engineer          |  is simple, elegant,
> and wrong. - HL Mencken
>     GPG fingerprint = 6174 1257 129E 0D21 D8D4  E8A3
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