It appears that a crucial line break was missing from my original post.
To be clear, accepts a single path argument and
returns the fully qualified path to a single filename like so:
> $ /usr/local/backups/ 
> /usr/local/backups/newfile.tar

Any ideas why Bacula does not like my FileList?


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
> Of Davis, Jacob
> Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 11:14 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Bacula-users] FileList scripting help
> Hello,
> I'm attempting to create a file list using an external script 
> as described in the following section of the manual: 
> ----quote----
> # Any name beginning with a vertical bar (|) is assumed to be 
> the name of a program. This program will be executed on the 
> Director's machine at the time the Job starts (not when the 
> Director reads the configuration file), and any output from 
> that program will be assumed to be a list of files or 
> directories, one per line, to be included.
> --end quote--
> My "" script accepts a path argument and 
> returns the name of the youngest file contained within the 
> specified path. On the command line it works like this:
> $ /usr/local/backups/ 
> /usr/local/backups/newfile.tar
> My Bacula FileSet looks like this:
> FileSet {
>   Name = "Latest File"
>   Include {
>     Options { signature = MD5 }
>     File = "'| /usr/local/backups/'"
>   }
> }
> However, when the job runs I get the following error:
> >> Could not stat '| /usr/local/backups/': 
> ERR=No such
> file or directory
> I've confirmed that the script is in the path for the bacula 
> user and the user has read/write permissions on the files in 
> question. I'm guessing this is a simple syntax error on my 
> part but I'm not sure what the problem is.
> Cheers,
> -Jake

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