
I'm still looking for a way to predict which tapes bacula will try to recycle,
so that I can pre-load our autochanger instead of having all backups halt with
the "intervention needed" message. For example, I've got ~50 volumes in the 
"incremental" pool that are "full", but I don't know which ones to load into the
changer to be recycled.
I understand that there's currently no way to run the recycle algorithm

I was considering the querying the database to produce a list of full volumes,
reverse sorted by the age of the newest backup per volume. This list would tell
me which are the "oldest" tapes (where the age is given by the newest backup per
volume, not the first use of a volume).

Does this seem like a reasonable approximation of the order in which bacula
would recycle tapes (assuming that they are all in the changer, and assuming
that all jobs per volume have the same retention period)?

If so, I'd really appreciate some help with the SQL query to extract this data.


Mark Bergman                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Administrator
Section of Biomedical Image Analysis             215-662-7310
Department of Radiology,           University of Pennsylvania


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