
Just out of curiosity, what happens if you try to lookup a volume using 
the 'query' command.

Either of the following takes volume name as an argument on my system:

      7: List Volume Attributes for a selected Volume:
     15: List Jobs stored for a given Volume name:

Alternatively, have you dived into your DB with sql and checked for them?
Output from:

select * from Media where VolumeName = 'localnet-0018';

Might show something. (Specifically I'd first be looking at the PoolId 
and make sure it matches the correct pool as the list volumes command is 
grouping by pools so could be skipping volumes in 'unknown' pools.)

Also, I notice you have 2 catalogs defined - have you checked both for 
these volumes?

All probably obvious things that you've already done, but it somewhere 
to start from.

Troy Daniels
Systems Administrator
iTouch Australia (Pty) Ltd

Jo Rhett wrote:
> On Aug 2, 2006, at 12:33 PM, Ryan Novosielski wrote:
>> Please re-send the 'list volumes' without editing it. Are these tapes?
>> File volumes?
> These are all file volumes.
> *list volumes
> Pool: localnet_Pool
> No results to list.
> Pool: clients_Pool
> No results to list.
> Pool: svcolo_Daily
> +---------+------------+-----------+----------------+---------- 
> +--------------+---------+------+-----------+------------- 
> +---------------------+
> | MediaId | VolumeName | VolStatus | VolBytes       | VolFiles |  
> VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType   |  
> LastWritten         |
> +---------+------------+-----------+----------------+---------- 
> +--------------+---------+------+-----------+------------- 
> +---------------------+
> |       2 | Daily-0001 | Used      |  5,126,599,734 |        1 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-18  
> 23:13:16 |
> |       3 | Daily-0002 | Used      |  2,917,311,508 |        0 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-19  
> 23:14:29 |
> |       4 | Daily-0003 | Used      |  3,049,194,872 |        0 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-20  
> 23:17:26 |
> |       5 | Daily-0004 | Used      |  3,210,661,380 |        0 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-21  
> 23:15:06 |
> |       6 | Daily-0005 | Used      |  3,687,772,536 |        0 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-25  
> 00:31:58 |
> |       7 | Daily-0006 | Used      |  4,450,417,385 |        1 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-27  
> 02:11:52 |
> |       8 | Daily-0007 | Full      |  2,212,890,612 |        0 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-27  
> 23:09:51 |
> |       9 | Daily-0008 | Used      |  1,425,951,232 |        0 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-27  
> 23:18:49 |
> |      10 | Daily-0009 | Used      |  9,338,465,289 |        2 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-29  
> 23:19:49 |
> |      11 | Daily-0010 | Full      | 13,221,212,216 |        3 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-30  
> 13:19:02 |
> |      12 | Daily-0011 | Full      |  1,718,341,035 |        0 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-30  
> 13:30:09 |
> |      13 | Daily-0012 | Full      |  1,728,663,426 |        0 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-30  
> 13:34:34 |
> |      14 | Daily-0013 | Full      |  2,003,226,609 |        0 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-31  
> 23:09:46 |
> |      15 | Daily-0014 | Used      |  1,751,587,366 |        0 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-01  
> 23:12:05 |
> |      16 | Daily-0015 | Used      |  1,871,907,059 |        0 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-03  
> 23:12:17 |
> |      17 | Daily-0016 | Used      |  1,871,221,278 |        0 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-04  
> 23:12:04 |
> |      18 | Daily-0017 | Used      |  4,298,906,651 |        1 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-07  
> 04:25:47 |
> |      19 | Daily-0018 | Used      |  1,206,508,181 |        0 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-07  
> 23:29:08 |
> |      20 | Daily-0019 | Used      | 17,349,979,846 |        4 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-09  
> 13:32:06 |
> |      21 | Daily-0020 | Used      |  4,542,948,692 |        1 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-11  
> 23:12:32 |
> |      22 | Daily-0021 | Used      |  2,338,042,932 |        0 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-12  
> 23:13:03 |
> |      23 | Daily-0022 | Used      |  2,406,943,509 |        0 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-13  
> 23:14:07 |
> |      24 | Daily-0023 | Used      |  3,045,512,466 |        0 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-14  
> 23:18:31 |
> |      25 | Daily-0024 | Used      | 20,260,130,443 |        4 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-16  
> 13:35:05 |
> |      26 | Daily-0025 | Used      | 22,264,134,330 |        5 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-23  
> 13:39:27 |
> |      27 | Daily-0026 | Full      |              1 |        0 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-31  
> 23:05:35 |
> |      28 | Daily-0027 | Full      |              1 |        0 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-31  
> 23:10:12 |
> |      29 | Daily-0028 | Full      |              1 |        0 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-07-31  
> 23:10:34 |
> |      30 | Daily-0029 | Append    |  4,982,609,064 |        1 |     
> 2,592,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo | 2006-08-02  
> 10:26:58 |
> +---------+------------+-----------+----------------+---------- 
> +--------------+---------+------+-----------+------------- 
> +---------------------+
> Pool: svcolo_Monthly
> No results to list.
> Pool: svcolo_Quarterly
> +---------+----------------+-----------+----------------+---------- 
> +--------------+---------+------+-----------+------------- 
> +---------------------+
> | MediaId | VolumeName     | VolStatus | VolBytes       | VolFiles |  
> VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType   |  
> LastWritten         |
> +---------+----------------+-----------+----------------+---------- 
> +--------------+---------+------+-----------+------------- 
> +---------------------+
> |       1 | quarterly-0001 | Append    | 32,289,625,195 |        7  
> |   31,536,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File_svcolo |  
> 2006-07-02 13:30:25 |
> +---------+----------------+-----------+----------------+---------- 
> +--------------+---------+------+-----------+------------- 
> +---------------------+
>> Jo Rhett wrote:
>>> I would deeply appreciate anyone who would look at this situation and
>>> clue me in on what I'm doing wrong here.
>>> Take it as a free shot!  You get to insult me and I even asked for  
>>> it.
>>>   (although please take the insult to personal e-mail)
>>> If you're not into insulting me, and you're in SFBA I'll buy you a
>>> shot/beer/coffee whatever as a thank you.  I've been chasing this for
>>> a while and I'm really confused.  I have debug output if it would
>>> help, but I suspect that the configuration below is enough for
>>> someone familiar with using multiple catalogs.
>>> On Jul 28, 2006, at 11:10 AM, Jo Rhett wrote:
>>>> Sorry, I thought I had included that.
>>>> *list volumes
>>>> Pool: localnet_Pool
>>>> No results to list.
>>>> Pool: clients_Pool
>>>> No results to list.
>>>> Pool: svcolo_Daily
>>>>    ***the right svcolo volumes list here***
>>>> Pool: svcolo_Monthly
>>>> No results to list.
>>>> Pool: svcolo_Quarterly
>>>>    ***the right svcolo volumes list here***
>>>> So the volumes aren't appearing in the wrong place, they simply
>>>> aren't being saved.
>>>> I'm sure that I'm doing something wrong in the configuration, but I
>>>> haven't the foggiest clue what it is.  There are no messages
>>>> associated with the nightly backups to clue me in.
>>>> On Jul 28, 2006, at 11:03 AM, John Drescher wrote:
>>>>> How about list volumes?
>>>>> On 7/28/06, Jo Rhett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>> *purge
>>>>>> Choose item to purge (1-3): 3
>>>>>> Defined Pools:
>>>>>> Select the Pool (1-8): 4
>>>>>> No results to list.
>>>>>> Enter MediaId or Volume name: localnet-0001
>>>>>> sql_get.c:910 Media record for Volume "localnet-0001" not found.
>>>>>> *list pools
>>>>>> +--------+------------------+---------+---------+----------
>>>>>> +-------------+
>>>>>> | PoolId | Name             | NumVols | MaxVols | PoolType |
>>>>>> LabelFormat |
>>>>>> +--------+------------------+---------+---------+----------
>>>>>> +-------------+
>>>>>> |      4 | localnet_Pool    |       0 |      30 | Backup   |
>>>>>> localnet-   |
>>>>>> |      5 | clients_Pool     |       0 |      30 | Backup   |
>>>>>> clients-    |
>>>>>> |      6 | svcolo_Daily     |      25 |      30 | Backup   |
>>>>>> Daily-      |
>>>>>> |      7 | svcolo_Monthly   |       0 |       4 | Backup   |
>>>>>> Monthly-    |
>>>>>> |      8 | svcolo_Quarterly |       1 |       4 | Backup   |
>>>>>> quarterly-  |
>>>>>> +--------+------------------+---------+---------+----------
>>>>>> +-------------+
>>>>>> Okay, this is confusing.  Every night dozens of clients in the
>>>>>> localnet and client pools get backed up.  Each night we get the
>>>>>> first
>>>>>> report with something like this:
>>>>>> 24-Jul 22:05 backup0-dir: Start Backup JobId 51, Job=w7localnet.
>>>>>> 2006-07-24_22.05.00
>>>>>> 24-Jul 22:05 backup0-dir: Max configured use duration exceeded.
>>>>>> Marking Volume "localnet-0017" as Used.
>>>>>> 24-Jul 22:05 backup0-dir: Created new Volume "localnet-0018" in
>>>>>> catalog.
>>>>>> 24-Jul 22:05 backup0-sd: Labeled new Volume "localnet-0018" on
>>>>>> device
>>>>>> "Dev_localnet" (/bacula/localnet).
>>>>>> 24-Jul 22:05 backup0-sd: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume
>>>>>> "localnet-0018" on device "Dev_localnet" (/bacula/localnet)
>>>>>> So it's handling the volumes correctly.  But it's not keeping
>>>>>> them in
>>>>>> the catalog?  What is failing here?
>>>>>> Pool {
>>>>>>          Name = localnet_Pool
>>>>>>          Pool Type = Backup
>>>>>>          Recycle = yes                   # Bacula can  
>>>>>> automatically
>>>>>> recycle Volumes
>>>>>>          Recycle Oldest Volume = yes
>>>>>>          AutoPrune = yes                 # Prune expired volumes
>>>>>>          Volume Retention = 30 days      # one year
>>>>>>          Volume Use Duration = 24h
>>>>>>          Accept Any Volume = yes         # write on any volume in
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> pool
>>>>>>          LabelFormat = "localnet-"
>>>>>>          Maximum Volumes = 30
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> Pool {
>>>>>>          Name = clients_Pool
>>>>>>          Pool Type = Backup
>>>>>>          Recycle = yes                   # Bacula can  
>>>>>> automatically
>>>>>> recycle Volumes
>>>>>>          Recycle Oldest Volume = yes
>>>>>>          AutoPrune = yes                 # Prune expired volumes
>>>>>>          Volume Retention = 30 days      # one year
>>>>>>          Volume Use Duration = 24h
>>>>>>          Accept Any Volume = yes         # write on any volume in
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> pool
>>>>>>          LabelFormat = "clients-"
>>>>>>          Maximum Volumes = 30
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> Catalog {
>>>>>>          Name = localnetCatalog
>>>>>>          dbname = bacula_localnet;
>>>>>>          user = bacula_localnet;
>>>>>>          password = "*********";
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> Catalog {
>>>>>>          Name = clientsCatalog
>>>>>>          dbname = bacula_clients;
>>>>>>          user = bacula_clients;
>>>>>>          password = "*********";
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> JobDefs {
>>>>>>          Name = "localnet_Job"
>>>>>>          Type = Backup
>>>>>>          Level = Incremental
>>>>>>          Client = backup0-fd
>>>>>>          FileSet = "freebsd-root-var-d"
>>>>>>          Schedule = "clientWeeklyFull"
>>>>>>          Storage = Disk_localnet
>>>>>>          Pool = localnet_Pool
>>>>>>          Messages = Standard
>>>>>>          Priority = 10
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> JobDefs {
>>>>>>          Name = "clients_Job"
>>>>>>          Type = Backup
>>>>>>          Level = Incremental
>>>>>>          Client = backup0-fd
>>>>>>          FileSet = "unix-root-only"
>>>>>>          Schedule = "clientWeeklyFull"
>>>>>>          Storage = Disk_clients
>>>>>>          Pool = clients_Pool
>>>>>>          Messages = Standard
>>>>>>          Priority = 10
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> The individual jobs have no specifics -- only the host and client
>>>>>> info.  Sometimes overriding the fileset on a per-host basis.  But
>>>>>> whatever is wrong is happening for all hosts in both Pools so it's
>>>>>> clearly somewhere in the above, but I'm not certain.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Jo Rhett
>>>>>> senior geek
>>>>>> Silicon Valley Colocation
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>>>>> -- 
>>>>> John M. Drescher
>>>> -- 
>>>> Jo Rhett
>>>> senior geek
>>>> Silicon Valley Colocation
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>>  |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer  
>> III
>>  |$&| |__| |  | |__/ | \| _| |[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 973/972.0922  
>> (2-0922)
>>  \__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg -  
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