On Sat, 29 Jul 2006, Kern Sibbald wrote:

This solution solved the problem, thanks very much:  I defined the
media type for the tape drive in one of the autoloaders to be LTO-4,
leaving the other one as LTO-3 and now I can restore from backups made
to either autoloader.

Thanks again,


> Hello,
> On Friday 28 July 2006 22:56, Dirk Kleinhesselink wrote:
>> I'm new to bacula and am setting bacula up for backing up a large
>> raidserver.  I have 2 7-slot (single drive) Exabyte Magnum LTO-3
>> autoloaders connected to the server.  I've gone through the basic setup
>> and tested the tapes and autoloaders for general functionality and
>> everything seems good.  I've labelled tapes for each autoloader and put in
>> corresponding pools and defined jobs that will backup to each autoloader.
>> I've run a few jobs and both autoloaders seem to be correctly used.
>> However I went to test restoring what was backed up and one of my restore
>> test jobs keeps trying to use the wrong autoloader and so complains that
>> it can't find the tape. Backups that went to autoloader 1 can be restored
>> OK, but backups where  the tapes are in autoloader 2 fail because it seems
>> it will only try to use autoloader 1, even though I've said the storage
>> device should be autoloader 2 and the backup job wrote to the tapes in
>> autoloader 2.
>> I'm running bacula-1.38.11 on Mandriva 2006 x86_64.  I'm also only backing
>> up the local server.
> On bacula 1.38 and below, the Storage resource that is used is determined by
> the MediaType.  If you have two Storage devices using the same MediaType,
> Bacula will freely choose either one (probably the first resource in your
> bacula-dir.conf file).
> So, you will probably have better luck if you assign different MediaTypes to
> the two autochangers.
> Hopefully this problem is fixed in 1.39, though I haven't yet had the time to
> test it.
>> Thanks for any help.
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