Dear Julien,

The only thing I can suggest now is that you review what happens to the
tape options via:

mt -f /dev/nst0 stoptions 0
grep st0 /var/log/messages

Between backup and restore (i.e. before backup and before restore but
after the mount command) in case they are being reset somehow (by the
mount maybe?).

The manual indicates that the error you are getting is possibly related
block positioning.  As you have indicated it might also be a kernel

Best Regards,


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Julien
Sent: 14 July 2006 13:11
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Last chance before I throw this @#!
tapedrivethrough the window ...


I've added the "sg" module to the kernel but unfortunately it doesn't
solve the problem (I've still those block.c:263 Volume data error at
0:0! Wanted ID: "BB02", got "". Buffer discarded messages) .... BUT ... 
I've tried with a 2.4 kernel and it seems to work !! It means that
Bacula has still some problems with 2.6.x kernels (?) .. or simply that
the my scsi card driver is buggy under 2.6.x ...


> Dear Julian,
> In order to execute 'tapeinfo' in Linux you need to make sure the 'sg'
> module is loaded.  This is the generic scsi module and can be loaded 
> as
> follows:
> modprobe sg
> You can check it's loaded with:
> lsmod | grep sg
> You can force this to be loaded at boot time by adding it to 
> /etc/modules (I think - I don't have access to my debian machine at 
> work to check).
> Please note that not having this module loaded _may_ cause problems 
> with Bacula (at least it will if there is an autochanger involved).
> Lastly, keep trying - don't give up.
> Best Regards,
> Brett Delle Grazie
> Senior Developer
> Logicalis Network Solutions Limited
> Technology House, Laud Street,
> Croydon, Surrey, CRO 1SX
> T:     +44 20 8680 8080
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> relationship between Logicalis and you. Internet communications are 
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> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> Julien Cigar
> Sent: 14 July 2006 08:31
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Last chance before I throw this @#! tape 
> drivethrough the window ...
> Seems that I don't have such device ... :
> phoenix:/home/jcigar# tapeinfo -f /dev/sg0 cannot open SCSI device 
> '/dev/sg0' - No such file or directory
> I've always used /dev/st0 or /dev/nst0, but I also have the following
> nst0a
> nst0l
> nst0m
> st0a
> st0l
> st0m
> I never try them ... but I don't think it's the cause of my problem :(
> Regards,
> Julien
> MaxxAtWork wrote:
>> On 7/13/06, Julien Cigar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> phoenix:/etc/bacula# tapeinfo -f /dev/nst0
>>> mtx: Request Sense: Long Report=yes
>>> mtx: Request Sense: Valid Residual=no
>>> mtx: Request Sense: Error Code=0 (Unknown?!)
>>> mtx: Request Sense: Sense Key=No Sense
>>> mtx: Request Sense: FileMark=no
>>> mtx: Request Sense: EOM=no
>>> mtx: Request Sense: ILI=no
>>> mtx: Request Sense: Additional Sense Code = 00
>>> mtx: Request Sense: Additional Sense Qualifier = 00
>>> mtx: Request Sense: BPV=no
>>> mtx: Request Sense: Error in CDB=no
>>> mtx: Request Sense: SKSV=no
>>> INQUIRY Command Failed
>> Just that you don't think tapeinfo command doesn't work, it requires 
>> the generic scsi device for your tape, i.e.
>> # tapeinfo -f /dev/sg0
>> Regards

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