it´s the permission-bug - (are you using a restricted User for SD_USER in
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Christoff Buch
Gesendet: Montag, 10. Juli 2006 12:58
An: bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Betreff: [Bacula-users] Please help! Strange bacula behaviour lets some jobsfail on autoloader!
Hello everyone!
I have a problem with the behaviour of my bacula-dir, resulting in failures as you can see below.
Please, does somebody know what the reason is and how to correct it?
My system:
- bacula 1.38.9 (from source)
- mtx 1.2.18rel (from rpm)
- SuSE 9.0 Kernel 2.4.21-99
- Exabyte 221L TapeLibrary (21 slots in 3 Magazines, Barcodereader, 1 IBM Ultrium LTO-2 drive)
I add mtx-changer and bacula-sd.conf at the end of this mail.
Output from bacula/working/log:
07-Jul 23:00 heem-dir: Start Backup JobId 259, Job=No.2_2006-07-07_23.00.00
07-Jul 23:00 heem-sd: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded drive 0" command.
07-Jul 23:00 heem-sd: 3991 Bad autochanger "loaded drive 0" command: ERR=Operation not permitted.
07-Jul 23:00 heem-sd: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded drive 0" command.
07-Jul 23:00 heem-sd: 3991 Bad autochanger "loaded drive 0" command: ERR=Operation not permitted.
07-Jul 23:00 heem-sd: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 15, drive 0" command.
07-Jul 23:00 heem-sd: No.2_2006-07-07_23.00.00 Fatal error: 3992 Bad autochanger "load slot 15, drive 0": ERR=Child exited with c
ode 1.
07-Jul 22:59 dali-fd: No.2_2006-07-07_23.00.00 Fatal error: job.c:1617 Bad response to Append Data command. Wanted 3000 OK data
, got 3903 Error append data
07-Jul 23:00 heem-dir: No.2_2006-07-07_23.00.00 Error: Bacula 1.38.9 (02May06): 07-Jul-2006 23:00:05
JobId: 259
Job: No.2_2006-07-07_23.00.00
Backup Level: Full
Client: "dali-fd" i686-pc-linux-gnu,suse,9.0
FileSet: "FileSet2" 2006-06-15 00:45:31
Pool: "Monthly_Archive"
Storage: "TapeLibrary"
Scheduled time: 07-Jul-2006 23:00:00
Start time: 07-Jul-2006 23:00:04
End time: 07-Jul-2006 23:00:05
Elapsed time: 1 sec
Priority: 10
FD Files Written: 0
SD Files Written: 0
FD Bytes Written: 0 (0 B)
SD Bytes Written: 0 (0 B)
Rate: 0.0 KB/s
Software Compression: None
Volume name(s):
Volume Session Id: 3
Volume Session Time: 1152282951
Last Volume Bytes: 124,972,759,051 (124.9 GB)
Non-fatal FD errors: 0
SD Errors: 0
FD termination status: Error
SD termination status: Error
Termination: *** Backup Error ***
2nd failed job:
08-Jul 07:17 heem-dir: Start Backup JobId 263, Job= No.4_.2006-07-08_01.00.00
08-Jul 07:17 heem-sd: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded drive 0" command.
08-Jul 07:17 heem-sd: 3991 Bad autochanger "loaded drive 0" command: ERR=Operation not permitted.
08-Jul 07:17 heem-sd: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded drive 0" command.
08-Jul 07:17 heem-sd: 3991 Bad autochanger "loaded drive 0" command: ERR=Operation not permitted.
08-Jul 07:17 heem-sd: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 16, drive 0" command.
08-Jul 07:17 heem-sd: No.4_.2006-07-08_01.00.00 Fatal error: 3992 Bad autochanger "load slot 16, drive 0": ERR=Child exited with c
ode 1.
08-Jul 07:17 raid2-fd: No.4_.2006-07-08_01.00.00 Fatal error: job.c:1617 Bad response to Append Data command. Wanted 3000 OK data
, got 3903 Error append data
08-Jul 07:17 heem-dir: No.4_.2006-07-08_01.00.00 Error: Bacula 1.38.9 (02May06): 08-Jul-2006 07:17:12
JobId: 263
Job: No.4_.2006-07-08_01.00.00
Backup Level: Full
Client: "raid2-fd" i686-pc-linux-gnu,suse,9.0
FileSet: "FileSet4" 2006-06-17 09:09:48
Pool: "Monthly_Archive"
Storage: "TapeLibrary"
Scheduled time: 08-Jul-2006 01:00:00
Start time: 08-Jul-2006 07:17:10
End time: 08-Jul-2006 07:17:12
Elapsed time: 2 secs
Priority: 10
FD Files Written: 0
SD Files Written: 0
FD Bytes Written: 0 (0 B)
SD Bytes Written: 0 (0 B)
Rate: 0.0 KB/s
Software Compression: None
Volume name(s):
Volume Session Id: 7
Volume Session Time: 1152282951
Last Volume Bytes: 42,298,701,358 (42.29 GB)
Non-fatal FD errors: 0
SD Errors: 0
FD termination status: Error
SD termination status: Error
Termination: *** Backup Error ***
Thanks for looking at it!
Best Regards,
i. A. Christoff Buch
OneVision Software AG
Dr.-Leo-Ritter-Str. 9
D - 93049 Regensburg
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