
Forgive me for off-topic but I figured this would be the best place to say how 
happy I am with this 

I've been working to build a backup setup with amanda for 30 days. After that 
time, I got it 
working but the 10 servers I have to backup took 14 hours, that the best I 
could manage to reduce 
to was 8 hrs. I don't use tapes. Just 15 rotated 400 G SATA drives.Besides, the 
tape emulation of 
amanda was hard to deal with, and never got the incremental backups to work.

Well, then came bacula. After throughly reading everything I could for 4 days, 
I spent another 4 
days experimenting with different forms of bacula-dir.conf, backingup, 
restoring, until I got my 
final .confs ready on the 10 day. On the night of that day (a monday), bacula 
did its 1rst 
production backup, 127 gigs of data from 10 different servers on our 
network,FLAWLESSLY in 3 hrs 
and 45 minutes. And also flawlessly went the incrementals till the next monday, 
full dump day, when 
I swaped to disk 2. Don't know if this is a real wonder for everybody, but with 
the results i've 
been having so far, it was !.

I'm writing just to say thanks to the authors for this masterpiece.

If anyone is interested on the specs of our setup, the scripts I wrote to swap 
the disks (i.e. to 
bring back the system to the state it was with the swapped disk (database 
included) or to prepare a 
new disk), the .confs, I'll be happy to share.

Best wishes,
   //|  //||
  // | // ||
-//--//--|| ARIO LOBO
//  //    ||

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