You accidentally hit "reply" instead of "reply all" again ;)

In response to Beren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


> > That's not true.  The trick is to bscan the tape in, then manually reset
> > the retention time on the volume so everything isn't purged the next time
> > you do anything.  You can then work with the volume as much as needed and
> > manually purge it when you're finished.
> I actually tried that. Maybe this is exposing a problem I have with my
> retention periods.

Try running dbcheck on your database.

I was having weird problems with retention times, and they mysteriously
disappeared after running dbcheck.

... now, I wish I'd kept copies of the database before and after the
dbcheck, so I had something to help debug with.  If it happens again,
I'll get them.

Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.

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