Dan's right the subject is somewhat misleading.

I'm not a big fan of Gentoo as it package system can be somewhat painful 
and requires enormous amounts of time for updates. The confusing issue 
here is you say your using Gentoo but installing a Fedora Core 4 rpm 
package. If your using Gentoo I'm not sure this package will work, maybe 
someone else can confirm. If the rpm will work you could be missing 
required files.

That being said try on a *Gentoo* system -

emerge openssl

-  from the command line. You might not have this package installed 
which could be the source of the problem.


Dan Langille wrote:
> On 14 Jun 2006 at 9:58, Kessia Pinheiro wrote:
>>Hi everyone,
>>I'm installing Bacula in a Gentoo server with a DAT-72 device. It's
>>ok, but, when i try install in my clients (other server with Fedora
>>Core 3), how i dont find rpm's for Fedora Core 3, i try install for
>>package for Fedora Core 4, but the instalation ocorred a errors:
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# rpm -ivh bacula-client-1.38.8-1.FC4.i386.rpm
>>aviso: bacula-client-1.38.8-1.FC4.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY,
>>key ID 10a792ad erro: Failed dependencies:
>>        libcrypto.so.5 is needed by bacula-client-1.38.8-1.i386
>>        libssl.so.5 is needed by bacula-client-1.38.8-1.i386
>>How i can resolve that?
> I don't know the answer, but perhaps a better subject will attract 
> those that do know.

Sean O'Grady
System Administrator
Sheridan College
905-845-9430 x2166

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