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Erik P. Olsen wrote:
> Martin Simmons wrote:
>>>>>>> On Fri, 26 May 2006 19:03:39 +0200, "Erik P. Olsen"
>>>>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>>> Martin Simmons wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 26 May 2006 17:45:48 +0200, "Erik P. Olsen"
>>>>>>>>>  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>>>>> Erik P. Olsen wrote:
>>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>>>>> --- "Erik P. Olsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>>> I have rebuild bacula due to a mysql upgrade and
>>>>>>> everything works fine except wx-console. I get the
>>>>>>> following output when attempting to run wx-console:
>>>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] bacula]# ./bin/wx-console -c
>>>>>>> ./conf/wx-console.conf Xlib: connection to ":0.0"
>>>>>>> refused by server Xlib: No protocol specified Error:
>>>>>>> Unable to initialize gtk, is DISPLAY set properly? I
>>>>>>> have no idea what this means. I would greatly
>>>>>>> appreciate if someone could interpret it for me. Are
>>>>>>> you running wx-console as the same user that is logged
>>>>>>> into X? Are you running this from the screen command?
>>>>>> I am running it from gnome-terminal as I used to before
>>>>>> the rebuild.
>>>>> Oh, I forgot to answer the first question. Yes, I am
>>>>> running as the same user who is logged into X.
>>>> You are running the whole desktop as root?  That's not
>>>> generally a good idea...
>>> I don't think I do that. I generally run as my normal user, but
>>>  when I have to restore some files I think I have to run with
>>> root previledges so I su (not su -) before running wx-console.
>>> Until I rebuild bacula it hasn't given me any problems. I
>>> wonder if someone can interpret the error messages I get.
>> Yes, that is the problem.  Root will not have permission to
>> connect to your X server by default.  I don't see how that can
>> have worked in the past unless you enabled X server access (e.g.
>> with the xhost command).
>> AFAIK, you shouldn't need to run wx-console as root, because it
>> connects to the Bacula daemons to perform the restore.
> Yes, you are right. I just tried without su and it worked fine. I
> guess I have some clean up to do with my access permissions. Thanks
>  for pointing that out to me.

Not to give you a hard time, but this is pretty basic UNIX stuff...
not sure what your role in your organization is or if you're just a
home user or what have you, but you'll be MUCH better off reading `man
xhost` and just a general overview of X11, the DISPLAY variable...
etc. just for your own edification. Everything that you do that is
graphical in UNIX will become a breeze (this particular error, for
example) once you know how it ties together.

Hope I didn't offend you! Take care,

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