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What DO you see happening? You've given no indication. Is it just not
faster? Do you see the tape stopping and starting? That is an important
piece of information

 ---- _  _ _  _ ___  _  _  _
 |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - User Support Spec. III
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 \__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630

Dave wrote:
> Hello,
>    Running bacula 1.38.9 on freebsd. I'm trying to get data spooling to
> work for my tape jobs, those files i offload off of disk(s) on to tape.
> I've got the below configuration, but as i understand it data spooling
> is suppose to increase backup speed by writing continuously to tape so
> it doesn't stop, start, stop, start etc. but instead goes continuously
> until done? With this configuration i do not see this happening with my
> drive, it's a quantum dlt 4000 connected to an adaptec 2940u scsi
> controller card. I'd appreciate any pointers.
> Thanks.
> Dave.
> bacula-dir.conf
> Job {
>  Name = "To Tape Files"
>  Client=client1-fd
>  FileSet="Home Files"
>  Storage = "Quantum DLT4000"
>  Pool = Default
> # for data spooling to tape
> SpoolData = yes
> }
> bacula-sd.conf
> # Definition of Quantum DLT4000 Tape Drive
> Device {
>  Name = "Quantum DLT4000"
> Description = "Quantum DLT4000 Tape Drive for FreeBSD"
>  Media Type = DLT
>  Archive Device = /dev/sa0
> LabelMedia = yes;                   # lets Bacula label unlabeled Media
> Random Access = Yes;
> AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
> RemovableMedia = no;
> AlwaysOpen = no;
> Offline On Unmount      = no
> Hardware End of Medium  = no
> BSF at EOM              = yes
> Backward Space Record   = no
> Fast Forward Space File = no
> TWO EOF                 = yes
> # for data spooling
> Maximum Spool Size = 1024
> Maximum Job Spool Size = 1024
> Spool Directory = /backup/bacula-spool
> }
> -------------------------------------------------------
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